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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

fix~ so. up, menyediakan tempat tidur utk sso; (not in o’s own premises) mendapatkan sst utk sso: we can easily ~ you up for the night, kami dapat menyediakan tempat tidur utk kamu malam ini; ~ so. up with st, (colloq) provide so. with st, mendapatkan sso sst; (in o’s own premises) menyediakan sst utk sso: he was able to ~ his friend up with a job, dia berhasil mendapatkan pekerjaan utk kawannya; the Dewan said they would ~ me up with a computer, Dewan mengatakan pihaknya akan menyediakan komputer utk saya; ~ st up, mengubah suai sst: he decided to ~ up one of the bedrooms as a TV room, dia membuat keputusan utk mengubah suai salah sebuah bilik tidur itu menjadi bilik TV;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jockeyvi; ~ for, berebut-rebut utk + approp v: to ~ for a place in the Council, berebut-rebut utk mendapatkan tempat dlm Majlis itu; to ~ for the leadership of the Politburo, berebut-rebut utk menjadi ketua Majlis Politburo; ~ for position, a. (racing) mengasak-asak utk mendapatkan tempat yg baik; b. try to gain advantage by skillful manoeuvering, berebut-rebut utk mendapatkan kedudukan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
do5. suffice, /cukup, memadai/ utk: a slice of bread will ~ me, sekeping roti memadai utk saya; 6. suit, sesuai utk: will this jacket ~ you?, adakah jaket ini sesuai untukmu?; 7. solve, membuat, menyelesaikan: he is unable to ~ even the simple sums, dia tdk dapat menyelesaikan kira-kira yg mudah sekalipun; 8. put in order, arrange, a. (hair) mendandan; b. (flowers) menyusun; c. (room) mengemas; 9. clean, membasuh, mencuci; (teeth) memberus, menggosok: to ~ the dishes, membasuh pinggan mangkuk;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
evaluatevt menilai: he felt it was too early in the day to ~ his chances of success,dia berasa masih terlalu awal utk menilai kemungkinannya utk berjaya; as they had only recently joined the organization, it is hard to ~ their contribution, disebabkan mereka baru sahaja memasuki pertubuhan itu, sukar utk menilai sumbangan mereka.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
getregulation, tdk ada jalan bagi mereka utk memintasi peraturan itu; e. persuade ( do st) memujuk: can you ~ round your sister to lend us her video cassette recorder?, bolehkah kamu memujuk kakakmu utk meminjami kita perakam videonya?; ~ round to doing st, meluangkan masa utk + approp v: I shall plant the seedlings as soon as I can ~ round to doing it, saya akan menanam anak benih itu sebaik saja saya dapat meluangkan masa utk membuatnya; he never got round to writing that letter, dia tdk dapat meluangkan masa utk menulis surat itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
foreveradv 1. for all time, (utk) selama-lamanya: they vowed to love each other ~, mereka berjanji saling mencintai utk selama-lamanya; by 1918 the Western world had changed ~, pd tahun 1918 dunia Barat telah berubah utk selama-lamanya; 2. for an unlimited distance, tdk /ada batasnya, terbatas/: the desert seemed to go on ~, padang pasir itu seolah-olah tdk ada batasnya; 3. constantly, sentiasa: the kids in my class are ~ talking, budak-budak dlm kelas saya sentiasa bercakap-cakap; 4. for a very long time, lama sekali: the following thirty seconds seemed to last ~, tiga puluh saat yg berikutnya terasa lama sekali.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
formulan 1. set of symbols, rumus, formula: the ~ for hydrochloric acid is HCl, formula utk asid hidroklorik ialah HCl; the ~ for finding the area of a circle, rumus utk mencari luas bulatan; 2. set of rules, principles, etc, formula: a ~ for peace, formula utk keamanan; there is no magic ~ for a successful career, tdk ada formula ajaib utk berjaya dlm kerjaya; 3. form of words used regularly, ungkapan tetap: “how do you do” is the ~ used in greeting, “how do you do?” ialah ungkapan tetap yg digunakan utk menyapa; 4. list of ingredients, proportions, instructions, etc, formula; 5. (US) milk-like powder for babies, rumusan bayi; 6. (of racing cars) formula.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
enoughdeterminer cukup: we have ~ money to buy a new car, kami ada cukup wang utk membeli sebuah kereta baru; there is ~ bread for tomorrow, ada cukup roti utk esok; there’s not ~ time for one more game, tdk cukup waktu utk satu lagi perlawanan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
face-savingadj utk menjaga maruah: a ~ solution, satu penyelesaian utk menjaga maruah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
highbrowadj (colloq) utk orang pandai-pandai: a ~ play, drama utk orang pandai-pandai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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