can2 | aux v 1. have the right, authority to, boleh: they ~ veto decisions reached by the other members, mereka boleh membatalkan keputusan yg dibuat oleh anggota-anggota lain; 2. know how to, boleh: a salesman who ~ speak several languages, jurujual yg boleh bertutur dlm beberapa bahasa; 3. be able to, dapat, boleh: a drug which ~ relieve pain instantly, sejenis ubat yg dapat melegakan rasa sakit dgn segera; he ~ lift the table with one hand, dia boleh mengangkat meja itu dgn sebelah tangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kill | 4. fill in, pass, mengisi: two hours to ~ before the train arrives, dua jam utk diisi sebelum kereta api sampai; to ~ time, mengisi waktu; 5. slaughter for food, menyembelih; 6. defeat, veto, menewas | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interpose | vt 1. place (os) between (two others) menempatkan: he ~d himself between the two to stop them from clawing at each other, dia menempatkan dirinya di antara dua orang itu utk menghalang mereka drpd saling bercakaran; 2. interrupt with (remark etc) mengajukan, mengemukakan; (used with direct speech) mencelah: may I ~ a question at this stage?, bolehkah saya mengajukan soalan pd peringkat ini?; “I don’t agree at all,” he ~d, “saya tdk bersetuju sama sekali,” dia mencelah; 3. put forward (objection, veto, etc) mengemukakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |