bring | ~ away, membawa pulang: they had an enjoyable time and brought away pleasant memories of Kashmir, mereka menikmati waktu-waktu yg menyeronokkan dan membawa pulang kenangan manis semasa di Kashmir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
daybreak | n (waktu) subuh, waktu fajar: they left before ~, mereka bertolak sebelum waktu subuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crowd | vt 1. fill to excess, membanjiri, memenuhi: spectators ~ed the hall, penonton-penonton membanjiri dewan; traffic ~s the streets at peak periods, lalu lintas memenuhi jalan raya pd waktu-waktu sibuk; 2. push, mengasak: stop ~ing me, jangan mengasak saya; the truck ~ed his car off the road, lori itu mengasak keretanya ke tepi jalan; 3. pressurize, mendesak: don’t ~ me about the work. I need more time, jangan desak saya ttg kerja itu. Saya perlukan masa yg lebih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interval | n 1. ( intervening period) jarak waktu; (short spell) waktu selang: the ~ between the two events, jarak waktu antara dua peristiwa itu; during the three-week ~..., semasa jarak waktu selama tiga minggu itu...; the ~s between the races were short, jarak waktu antara perlumbaan itu singkat; the weather was cloudy, with brief ~s of sunlight, cuaca mendung dgn waktu selang cuaca cerah yg seketika; 2. intermission, /masa, waktu/ rehat: he went into the foyer during the ~, dia ke ruang legar semasa waktu rehat; 3. (mus) jeda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interval | after a long ~, lama selepas itu: after a long ~, he finally replied my letter, lama selepas itu, barulah dia menjawab surat saya; at ~s, a. occasionally, sekali-sekali: the machine would stop making its whirring sound at ~s, sekali-sekali jentera itu berhenti mengeluarkan bunyi yg bergetar; b. happening regularly after particular periods of time, pd waktu-waktu tertentu: the bell rang at ~s, loceng berbunyi pd waktu-waktu tertentu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
day-labourer | n 1. light of day, cahaya /siang, matahari/: colours look different in the ~, di bawah cahaya matahari warna kelihatan berbeza; 2. dawn, (waktu) subuh, waktu terbit matahari: she was up at ~, dia bangun pd waktu subuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | 4. recess, waktu rehat; (in a journey) berhenti berehat: the play lasts for three hours with only one ~, lakonan itu tiga jam lamanya dgn sekali saja waktu rehat; during a ~ in the journey, he took photographs of the castle, sewaktu berhenti berehat dlm perjalanan, dia mengambil gambar kastil itu; /coffee, tea/ ~, waktu minum; lunch ~, waktu makan tengah hari; commercial ~, waktu iklan; 5. discontinuation, putusnya, terputus: after a ~ of two years, their correspondence was renewed, sesudah terputus selama dua tahun, perhubungan surat menyurat antara mereka diteruskan semula; 6. rupture in relationship, putusnya (hubungan), terputus: the couple had drifted apart, but the final ~ did not occur until their daughter’s marriage, hubungan pasangan itu memang sudah renggang tetapi hanya terputus sesudah anak perempuan mereka berkahwin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hours | after ~, (of work) selepas /waktu, masa/ pejabat; (of business) selepas waktu niaga; at all ~ (of the day and night), bila-bila masa, tdk kira masa: the doctor can be called at all ~, doktor itu boleh dipanggil tdk kira masa; keep /early, good/ ~, tidur awal; keep /bad, late/ ~, berjaga hingga /larut, jauh/ malam; in the /small, wee/ ~, lepas tengah malam, dinihari; till all ~, sehingga /larut, jauh/ malam: she is up till all ~, dia berjaga hingga larut malam; work long ~, waktu kerja panjang: the job is interesting but we have to work long ~, pekerjaan ini menarik tetapi waktu kerja panjang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dawn | n 1. daybreak, (waktu) subuh: ~ is nearly here, hari sudah hampir subuh; they set off at ~, mereka bertolak pd waktu subuh; ~ chorus, kicauan unggas pd waktu subuh; at /the first streak, (the) break, the crack/ of ~, apabila fajar menyingsing; 2. beginning, birth, bermulanya; (of love) bibit; (of hope) sinar: the ~ of civilisation, bermulanya peradaban; the news brought a ~ of hope, berita itu membawa sinar harapan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bedtime | n waktu tidur: ~ stories, cerita-cerita waktu tidur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |