hero | n 1. so. distinguished for bravery or noble deeds, pahlawan, wira: Mandela received a ~’s welcome, Mandela mendapat sambutan sbg wira; war ~es, pahlawan perang; a child ~, pahlawan kanak-kanak; 2. so. admired for outstanding deeds, tokoh, wira: an aviation ~, wira dlm bidang penerbangan; medical ~es, tokoh-tokoh perubatan; 3. so. one personally admires, pujaan; 4. chief male character in book, film, play, wira, hero: Hamlet is the ~ of a famous play, Hamlet ialah wira sebuah drama yg masyhur; 5. (Greek mythol) wira. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hallowed | adj 1. (of God, His name) Maha Suci: ~ be Thy name, Maha Suci nama-Mu; 2. made holy, ditahbiskan, suci: ~ ground, tanah suci; ~ oil, minyak yg ditahbiskan; 3. revered, respected, [various translations]: these ~ halls of learning, dewan ilmu yg mulia ini; the ~ heroes of ancient times, wira-wira zaman silam yg disanjung; ~ memories, kenangan-kenangan murni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honour | vt 1. treat with respect, menghormati: the child had been taught to ~ his parents, budak itu telah diajar utk menghormati ibu bapanya; 2. pay tribute, homage to, a. (gen) memberi penghormatan: he was ~ed with the title of “Father of Independence”, dia diberi penghormatan dgn gelaran “Bapa Kemerdekaan”; they observed a minute’s silence to ~ the fallen heroes, mereka bertafakur selama seminit utk memberi penghormatan kpd wira-wira yg telah gugur; b. (by ruler, specif authority, organisation), /menganugerahi, mengurniai/ [sso] + approp n: a dedicated teacher who was ~ed for his services, guru yg berdedikasi yg telah dianugerahi pingat krn jasanya; 3. fulfil, keep, menghormati: it is hoped that all parties will ~ the agreement, diharapkan bahawa kesemua pihak menghormati perjanjian itu; 4. (cheque, bill) melunaskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heroics | n 1. see HEROIC VERSE; 2. high-flown language, bahasa muluk-muluk; 3. exaggerated behaviour, berlagak spt wira: don’t try ~s in the face of danger, jangan berlagak spt wira apabila berhadapan dgn bahaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hero-worshipper | n pemuja; (of heroes of antiquity) pemuja wira. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hero-worship | n pemujaan; (of heroes of antiquity) pemujaan wira; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bold | adj 1. courageous and daring, berani: a ~ hero, wira yg berani; she grew ~er with each attempt, dia menjadi lebih berani percubaan demi percubaan; the plan was simple but ~, rancangan itu sederhana tetapi berani; to take a ~ step, mengambil langkah berani; 2. forward, immodest, tdk /tahu malu, malu, sopan/: a ~ little urchin, budak nakal yg tdk tahu malu; she gave him a ~ look, dia memandangnya dgn tdk sopan; 3. imaginative, penuh imaginasi: the novel’s ~ plot, plot novel yg penuh imaginasi; 4. clear and distinct to the eye, jelas, ketara: ~ handwriting, tulisan tangan yg ketara; a figure carved in ~ relief, patung yg diukir dgn ukiran timbul dgn jelas; ~ newspaper headlines, tajuk berita akhbar yg ketara; 5. (print) tebal: ~ letters, huruf tebal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eponymous | n eponim: King Lear is the ~ hero of Shakespeare’s play “King Lear”, King Lear ialah wira eponim drama Shakespeare“King Lear”. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gallant | adj 1. brave, a. (of person) gagah berani, gagah perkasa: a ~ hero, wira yg gagah berani; b. (of deeds) berani; 2. chivalrous, yg bersopan thdp wanita: he is very ~ on social occasions, dlm majlis sosial, dia sungguh bersopan thdp wanita; 3. fine, grand, perkasa: a ~ battleship, kapal perang yg megah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heroic | adj 1. very brave, sungguh berani: a ~ struggle, perjuangan yg sungguh berani: a ~ rescue, tindakan menyelamat yg sungguh berani; 2. on a grand scale, besar: ~ enterprise, perusahaan besar; 3. (of style, language) muluk-muluk: a speech written in ~ language, ucapan yg ditulis dlm bahasa yg muluk-muluk; 4. (liter.) wira: ~ epic, epik wira. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |