fee | n payment, bayaran; (made at regular intervals ) yuran: lawyers’ ~s , bayaran perkhidmatan peguam; entrance ~, bayaran masuk; registration ~, bayaran pendaftaran; school ~s, yuran sekolah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entrance fee | n yuran kemasukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imposition | n 1. levying, pengenaan: the ~ of higher fees on foreign students, pengenaan yuran yg lebih tinggi e atas pelajar asing; 2. act of forcing acceptance of, a. (condition, sanction, fine, etc) pengenaan: the ~ of a fine should serve as sufficient punishment, pengenaan denda seharusnya merupakan hukuman yg memadai; b. (sentence) penjatuhan; c. (task, duty, etc) mempertanggungjawabkan; d. (o’s will, idea, etc) pemaksaan; e. (st burdensome such as responsibility, problem, etc) pembebanan; 3. st imposed, [various translations]: this extra responsibility is an ~ I am unwilling to take on, tanggungjawab tambahan ini merupakan beban yg tdk sanggup saya terima; your borrowing it without asking was an ~, perbuatan amu meminjam tanpa meminta izin menyusahkan saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
half | and a ~, (colloq) cukup + approp adj: that was a performance and a ~, pertunjukan itu cukup bagus; by ~, sebanyak separuh: the fees have risen by ~ in the last two years, yuran telah meningkat sebanyak separuh dlm tempoh dua tahun ini; by halves, membuat sst dgn bersungguh-sungguh: although he could ill afford it, he would his entertain his guests like VIPs; he’s the type of man who never does things by halves, walaupun dia tdk mampu, dia melayan tetamunya spt orang besar-besar; dia jenis orang yg membuat sst bersungguh-sungguh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
due | n 1. st that rightfully belongs to so., yg patut diberikan kpd: he finally won the recognition which was his ~, dia akhirnya mendapat pengiktirafan yg patut diberikan kepadanya; give so. their ~, utk berlaku adil (thdp sso): she made a lot of mistakes but, to give her her ~, she only had an hour to get the job done, dia membuat banyak kesilapan, tetapi utk berlaku adil terhadapnya, dia cuma diberi satu jam utk menyiapkan kerja itu; 2. (in pl) yuran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
it | ii. (rel to group of people e.g. team, government, etc) mereka, kami [as approp], [repeat noun it replaces or replace it with another noun]: our team was only performing it’s duty when ~ demolished the squatters’ huts, kumpulan kami hanya menjalankan tugas apabila kami merobohkan rumah-rumah setinggan itu; the team was only performing its duty when ~ demolished the squatters’ huts, kumpulan itu hanya menjalankan tugas apabila mereka merobohkan rumah-rumah setinggan itu; the company said that ~ had to raise fees because of inflation, syarikat itu mengatakan bahawa mereka or pihaknya terpaksa menaikkan yuran krn inflasi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deprive | 2. take away, a. (possession) merampas: to be ~d of property, dirampas harta; b. (eyesight etc) menyebabkan kehilangan (+ approp n), menyebabkan tdk boleh lagi (+ approp v), menjadi (+ approp adj): the explosion had ~d her of her hearing, letupan itu telah menyebabkannya kehilangan deria pendengaran or letupan itu telah menyebabkannya menjadi pekak or letupan itu telah menjadikannya pekak; c. (right, privilege, membership, etc), (act.) melucutkan (pass.) dilucutkan: she was ~d of her membership for not paying her fees, dia dilucutkan keahliannya krn tdk membayar yuran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |