germinate | vi 1. bercambah, berkecambah: the seeds ~d in the hothouse, biji-biji itu bercambah dlm rumah panas; 2. (fig.) lahir, bercambah: the plot against the government ~d among the military, komplot menentang kerajaan lahir di kalangan anggota-anggota tentera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
take | 3. start growing properly, (of graft, seed)bercambah; (of seedling) tumbuh: the graft has ~n, cantuman itu telah bercambah; only a few of the seedlings took, hanya sedikit drpd semaian itu yg tumbuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inchoate | adj (fml) just begun and thus not properly developed, baru /bertunas, bercambah/, belum sempurna; (of plan) baru berputik, belum sempurna; (of need, longing, wish, etc) baru bersemi: his head is full of ~ ideas, kepalanya penuh dgn gagasan-gagasan yg baru bertunas; the plan was ~ and disorganized, rancangan itu belum sempurna dan tdk teratur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |