travel | 2. go or move, bergerak [or various translations]; (of car, train, etc) berjalan, bergerak: light ~s faster than sound, cahaya bergerak lebih laju drpd bunyi; the storm ~led southward leaving behind a trail of destruction, ribut itu bergerak menuju ke selatan meninggalkan kesan kemusnahan; Joseph’s eyes ~ over her face, mata Joseph menjelajahi mukanya; her mind ~led back to her childhood days, fikirannya melayang balik ke masa kanak-kanaknya; as I was talking to him I noticed that his eyes kept ~ling to the door, semasa saya bercakap dengannya saya nampak matanya asyik beralih ke pintu; the car was ~ling at 60 kph, kereta itu sedang berjalan dgn kelajuan 60 kmsj; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
moving | 2. that moves, bergerak: to measure the speed of a ~ car, mengukur kelajuan kereta yg bergerak; he practised shooting at a ~ target, dia berlatih menembak sasaran bergerak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freeze | 7. make motionless, paralysed, stiff, (act.) menyebabkan tdk bergerak; (pass.) tdk bergerak: she was frozen with shock, dia tdk bergerak krn terkejut; 8. fix (prices, wages, etc) membekukan: the central bank decided to ~ credits at the present level, bank pusat memutuskan utk membekukan kredit pd tahap yg ada; 9. prevent from being used, membekukan: his bank balance was frozen, baki simpanannya dlm bank dibekukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
march | the ~ of time, peredaran zaman, perjalanan masa; on the~, bergerak, dlm perjalanan; (of time) berlalu, berjalan, bergerak: the unit was three days on the ~, unit itu sudah tiga hari bergerak; time is always on the ~, wak | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
work | vt 1. travel around as part of o’s job, bergerak di: salesmen who ~ the rural areas, jurujual yg bergerak di kawasan luar bandar; hawkers who ~ certain streets of the city, penjaja yg bergerak di jalan-jalan tertentu di bandar raya itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mobile | adj 1. able to move or move about freely, bergerak: as we grow older, we usually become less ~, semakin tua biasanya lebih susah utk kita bergerak; ~ troops, pasukan bergerak; a ~ dental clinic, klinik gigi berger | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immobile | adj 1. unable to move, tdk dapat bergerak: after removal of the battery the car will be ~, setelah bateri dikeluarkan kereta itu tdk akan dapat bergerak; 2. motionless, terpaku, tdk bergerak-gerak; (of face, feature) aku: the old man sat ~ in his chair, orang tua itu duduk terpaku di kerusinya; her face remained ~, mukanya tetap aku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
motionless | adj still, tdk bergerak; (of person) tdk bergerak(-gerak), kaku; (of flag, sail) tdk berkibar; (of the air) tdk ada: we pushed and pushed but the car remained ~, kami menolak beberapa kali tetapi kereta itu tetap tdk ber | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spin | ~ along, bergerak: the car was ~ning along at 100 kph, kereta itu bergerak pd kelajuan 100 kmsj; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nose | vi move forward slowly, bergerak perlahan-lahan: the ship ~ along the shore, kapal itu bergerak perlahan-lahan menyusuri pantai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |