country | adj 1. a. from the country, desa, kampung: a ~ girl, gadis desa; b. of, in the country, desa: a ~ house, rumah desa; ~ sports, sukan desa; ~ life, hidup di /kampung, desa/; 2. country and western, lagu rakyat Amerika: a ~ singer, penyanyi lagu rakyat Amerika; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
countryside | n kawasan /desa, luar bandar/: it’s pleasant to spend the summer in the ~, seronok menghabiskan masa musim panas di kawasan desa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
practise | 3. perpetuate, melakukan: the cruelty ~d on the prisoners of war, kekejaman yg dilakukan thdp tawanan-tawanan perang; 4. act according to(o’s belief, custom) mengamalkan: he doesn’t seem to ~ any religion, dia nampaknya tdk mengamalkan sebarang agama; the ceremony is still ~d in the villages, upacara itu masih diamalkan di desa-desa; 5. (medicine, law) menjalankan praktik: my sister ~s medicine, adik saya menjalankan praktik kedoktoran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
seat | 7. also country seat kediaman (di desa): the family’s country ~ is not far from here, kediaman di desa keluarga itu tdk jauh dr sini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rustic | adj 1. characteristic of country people, kampung, desa: ~ dwellings, rumah-rumah kampung; ~ life, kehidupan desa; the ~ simplicity of their lives, cara hidup kampung yg sederhana; 2. unrefined, kekampungan: their ~ ways, cara mereka yg kekampungan; 3. of rough workmanship, kasar buatannya: ~ furniture, perabot yg kasar buatannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pastoral | adj 1. peacefully rural, desa: the house was built in a delightful ~ setting, rumah itu dibina di sebuah kawasan desa yg permai; 2. (of literary work) pastoral, kedesaan: ~ poetry, puisi pastoral; 3. (of land) rumput ternak: the ~ land around here is limited, kawasan rumput ternak di sini terbatas; 4. concerned with duties of clergyman in charge of congregation, sbg pastor: ~ duties, tugas-tugas sbg pastor; he makes ~ visits once a week, dia membuat lawatan sbg pastor sekali seminggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
country | 2. the population of a country, rakyat /negeri, negara/: the ~ supported the government in its stand, rakyat negeri itu menyokong pendirian kerajaan; 3. rural area, desa, kampung: life in the ~ bored her, hidup di desa membosankannya; /cut, go/ across ~, merentas desa; 4. terrain, kawasan: they drove for miles through flat, barren ~, mereka memandu berbatu-batu melalui kawasan yg rata dan tandus; this is good sheep-raising ~, ini kawasan yg baik utk menternak biri-biri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
village | n 1. place smaller than a town, kampung, desa: there is a little ~ in the valley, ada sebuah kampung kecil di lembah itu; a ~ community, masyarakat kampung; 2. people of a village collectively, (orang) /kampung, desa/: the whole ~ attended his funeral, seluruh kampung itu menghadiri pengebumiannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sylvan | adj (liter.) 1. wooded, berpohon-pohon: a ~ glade, kawasan lapang yg berpohon-pohon; 2. rustic, spt di desa: the place had a ~ charm, tempat itu mempunyai daya penarik spt di desa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hamlet | n perkampungan desa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |