Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[hé.ro] | هيرو

Definisi : (héro) 1. orang yg terkenal atau disegani kerana keberanian (kegagahan, peribadi yg mulia, dll); 2. watak lelaki utama dlm cerita drama, filem, dll: Inu Kertapati menjadi ~ dlm cerita-cerita Panji. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[hé.ro] | هيرو

Definisi : /héro/ 1 orang yg dipandang mulia dan dihormati kerana keberanian atau kegagahannya. 2 tokoh lelaki yg memegang peranan utama dlm sesebuah cerita dsb. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata hero

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

VirtPathDisplayNameSynopsisWebURL Official Websiteexposing them to the cultural, economic, political, educational and ecological aspects of other countries. UNIMAS provides a choice of 4 Short-term Mobility programmes namely Culture and Heritage, Net Zero Hero, Biodiversity, and Indigenous Knowledge. These internationally recognised programmes further cements UNIMAS imprint on the global stage as a community driven university for a sustainable world. The charm of UNIMAS is Highlighter.aspx?DocId=19&Index=D%3a%5cSearchIndexFiles%5cIndek%20UNIMAS&HitCount=1&hits=1bd+ Official Website','TwitterUNIMAS Official Websiteexposing them to the cultural, economic, political, educational and ecological aspects of other countries. UNIMAS provides a choice of 4 Short-term Mobility programmes namely Culture and Heritage, Net Zero Hero, Biodiversity, and Indigenous Knowledge. These internationally recognised programmes further cements UNIMAS imprint on the global stage as a community driven university for a sustainable world. The charm of UNIMAS is Highlighter.aspx?DocId=18&Index=D%3a%5cSearchIndexFiles%5cIndek%20UNIMAS&HitCount=1&hits=1bd+ Official Websiteexposing them to the cultural, economic, political, educational and ecological aspects of other countries. UNIMAS provides a choice of 4 Short-term Mobility programmes namely Culture and Heritage, Net Zero Hero, Biodiversity, and Indigenous Knowledge. These internationally recognised programmes further cements UNIMAS imprint on the global stage as a community driven university for a sustainable world. The charm of UNIMAS is Highlighter.aspx?DocId=17&Index=D%3a%5cSearchIndexFiles%5cIndek%20UNIMAS&HitCount=1&hits=1bd+ Official Websiteexposing them to the cultural, economic, political, educational and ecological aspects of other countries. UNIMAS provides a choice of 4 Short-term Mobility programmes namely Culture and Heritage, Net Zero Hero, Biodiversity, and Indigenous Knowledge. These internationally recognised programmes further cements UNIMAS imprint on the global stage as a community driven university for a sustainable world. The charm of UNIMAS is Highlighter.aspx?DocId=1&Index=D%3a%5cSearchIndexFiles%5cIndek%20UNIMAS&HitCount=1&hits=1bd+

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