interpreter | n 1. person who interprets by translating from one language into another, jurubahasa: an ~ at the United Nations, jurubahasa di Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu; 2. person who interprets so. else’s work etc, pentafsir: a judge is an ~ of the law, hakim ialah pentafsir undang-undang; he was famous as the foremost ~ of Beethoven, dia terkenal sbg pentafsir utama karya Beethoven; 3. (in computer technology) pentafsir: ~ code, kod pentafsir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interpret | vi act as interpreter, menjadi jurubahasa: his wife ~ed for him, isterinya menjadi jurubahasanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
so | 12. usu ~ that, a. with the result that, jadi, oleh (sebab) itu, kerana itu: the witness spoke no Dutch, ~ (that) an interpreter had to be called, saksi itu tdk pandai bercakap bahasa Belanda, jadi seorang jurubahasa terpaksa dipanggil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attach | (to a book, magazine, etc) melampirkan: ~ed you will find..., bersama-sama surat ini dilampirkan...; there is a corrigendum ~ed to the book, ada ralat yg dilampirkan pd buku itu; h. (by suspending) menggantung: to ~ a weight to a fishing line, menggantungkan pemberat pd tali kail; 2. (usu pass.), (part of building) dgn berkembar: a house with a garage ~ed, rumah garaj berkembar; 3. (usu pass.) appoint for special, temporary duties, menempatkan sbg pegawai sangkut: a new interpreter will be ~ed to our unit, jurubahasa yg baru akan ditempatkan di unit kita sbg pegawai sangkut; 4. (leg.) arrest, seize (person, property, etc) with authority, menahan; 5. (usu pass.) bind by personal ties, rapat; (to st other than person) sayang akan: he is deeply ~ed to his younger sister, dia sangat rapat dgn adik perempuannya; having lived there for many years, he is really ~ed to the place, krn sudah bertahun-tahun tinggal di sana, dia sangat sayang akan tempat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |