full | 3. also ~ up, having consumed enough food, drink, kenyang: I’m ~, saya kenyang; you should never sleep on a ~ stomach, kamu tdk sepatutnya tidur dgn perut yg kenyang; 4. complete, a. (of name, price, etc) penuh: please write your ~ name here, sila tulis nama penuh saudara di sini; he paid ~ fare for the child, dia membayar tambang penuh utk budak itu; b. (of period) genap, penuh: they worked on the site for a ~ two months, mereka bekerja di tapak itu selama dua bulan genap; the journey will take a ~ three days, perjalanan itu akan mengambil masa tiga hari penuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
satiate | vt (usu pass.), (fml) a.cause to be too full, (act.) membuat [sso] /terlalu kenyang, muak/; (pass.) terlalu kenyang, muak: the children, ~d with cream cakes and chocolates, were fretful and sleepy, kanak-kanak itu, terlalu kenyang memakan kek berkrim dan coklat, mula mengantuk dan meragam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sated | adj muak, jelak; (with food), (terlalu) kenyang: at first he enjoyed the flattery, but after a while became ~ with it, pd mulanya dia seronok menerima puji-pujian itu, tetapi dlm sedikit masa sahaja dia menjadi muak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
satiety | n (fml) a. state of being too full, muak, terlalu kenyang; b. state of being satisfied beyond capacity, muak, jelak: they indulged themselves in worldly pleasures to the point of ~, mereka menurutkan hati mengecap segala nikmat dunia sehingga naik jelak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
replete | adj 1. fully provided, penuh dilengkapi; (of mind) penuh dgn: a room ~ with furniture, bilik yg penuh dilengkapi perabot; his mind is ~ with information, kepalanya penuh dgn maklumat; 2. pleasantly well-fed, kenyang: he felt ~ after that meal, dia berasa kenyang selepas makan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
no | f. (to say that one does not want st), /tidak, tak/ (mahu, hendak): "Do you want some more rice?." "N~, I’m full", "Kamu hendak nasi lagi?." "Tak mahu. Saya sudah kenyang"; ~ thanks, terima kasih sajalah; 2. not at all, far from, bukan(nya): this is ~ small matter, ini bukan perkara kecil; 3. (before a comparative adj) not in any degree, tidak: ~ more than 5 candidates, tidak lebih drpd 5 orang calon; he is ~ better than yesterday, keadaannya tidak bertambah baik drpd semalam; ~ farther than, setakat... sahaja: the taxi would go ~ farther than Ipoh, teksi itu pergi setakat Ipoh sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stomach | n1. bag-like organ that forms part of the alimentary canal, perut: food passes from the oesophagus into the ~, makanan melewati esofagus masuk ke dlm perut; never work on an empty ~, jangan sekali-kali bekerja dgn perut yg kosong; it’s not a good idea to swim on a full ~, memang tdk elok pergi berenang dlm keadaan perut yg kenyang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
force | ~ st (opinion, duty, etc) on so., memaksakan sst pd sso, memaksa sso + approp v: he likes to ~ his views on others, dia suka memaksakan pandangannya pd orang lain; she tried to ~ some more lasagna on me but I was full, dia mencuba memaksa saya makan lasagna lagi, tetapi saya sudah kenyang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fill | n 1. full supply, sepenuh + approp n ref to container: a ~ of tobacco, tembakau sepenuh paip; another ~ of petrol, petrol sepenuh tangki lagi; 2. earth etc used to fill cavity, bahan /tambak, timbus/; /eat, drink, etc/ o’s ~, /makan, minum, dll/ /sepuas-puasnya, sampai puas, semahu-mahunya, sekenyang-kenyangnya, sampai kenyang/; have o’s ~ of /so., st/, /muak, puas/ dgn /sso, sst/, /muak, puas/ + approp v, puas + approp adj: I’ve had my ~ of this bad weather, saya puas dgn cuaca buruk ini; I’ve had my ~ of disappointments, saya puas kecewa or saya puas mengalami kekecewaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
justice | bring to ~, membawa ke muka pengadilan: the murderer was finally brought to ~, pembunuh itu akhirnya dibawa ke muka pengadilan; do /~ to so., so. ~/, berlaku adil (thdp sso): to do him ~, we must admit that he is innocent of any intent to deceive, utk berlaku adil kita mesti mengakui bahawa dia tdk mempunyai sebarang niat utk menipu; do /~ to st, st ~/, a. capture, show to the best advantage, menunjukkan sst: the photograph did ~ to his good looks, gambar foto itu menunjukkan ketampanannya; b. (show due appreciation of by eating with relish), (me)makan sst dgn penuh selera; (eat enough of) makan banyak: they certainly did ~ to the meal, mereka makan juadah itu dgn penuh selera; didn’t do the food ~ because we were already full, kami tdk dapat makan banyak krn kami kenyang; do os ~, menunjukkan segala kebolehan sso: he did not do himself ~ in the exams, dia tdk menunjukkan segala kebolehannya di dlm peperiksaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |