blur | n 1. blot, smear, /bekas, kesan/ (+ approp n): the manuscript was full of ~s, manuskrip itu penuh dgn kesan-kesan dakwat; a large ~ of ink made half the page difficult to read, kesan dakwat yg besar menyebabkan setengah drpd halaman muka surat itu sukar dibaca; 2. st indistinct, (lit. & fig.) kabur, samar-samar, redam, kelam: without her glasses anything distant was a ~ to her, tanpa kaca mata apa-apa yg dilihatnya di kejauhan kelihatan kabur; events leading to the accident were a ~ in her mind, segala peristiwa yg membawa kpd kemalangan itu kabur dlm ingatannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deleterious | adj harmful, a. (to health ) merosakkan kesihatan: the ~ effects of glue-sniffing, kesan-kesan menghidu gam yg merosakkan kesihatan; b. (to mind ) merosakkan fikiran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
briefly | adv 1. in a brief way, secara ringkas: an attempt to survey ~ the effects of pollution, usaha utk meninjau kesan-kesan pencemaran secara ringkas; 2. in brief, pendeknya, ringkasnya, pendek kata: ~, the procedure adopted consisted of..., pendeknya, prosedur yg digunakan terdiri drpd...; 3. for a short time, dlm masa yg /singkat, pendek/; (for an instance) sebentar, sekejap: he served as Prime Minister ~ in the fifties, dia menjadi Perdana Menteri utk masa yg singkat dlm tahun 50-an; she came in ~ to greet me, dia masuk sebentar utk menyapa saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
economy | n 1. (system for the) management of resources, ekonomi: inflation would have adverse effects on the country’s ~, inflasi akan mendatangkan kesan-kesan buruk thdp ekonomi negara; agricultural ~, ekonomi pertanian; 2. avoidance of waste, cermat, hemat, jimat: the household is run with considerable ~, rumah itu diurus dgn begitu cermat; practise ~, berjimat, bercermat, berhemat; 3. instance of avoiding waste, berjimat, bercermat, berhemat: buying cheap cloth is a false ~, membeli kain murah bukan sebenarnya berjimat; with some small economies, you should be able to save more money, dgn berjimat sedikit-sedikit kamu dapat menyimpan lebih banyak wang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
calculable | adj 1. computable, dapat /dikira, dihitung/: ~ losses, kerugian yg dapat dikira; 2. ascertainable beforehand, estimable, dapat diperhitungkan (terlebih dahulu): the effects of o’s actions are not always ~, kesan-kesan tindakan sso tdk selalunya dapat diperhitungkan terlebih dahulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effect | n 1. result, a. (gen) kesan: the drug has a strong ~, ubat itu membawa kesan yg kuat; the ~ of light on plants, kesan cahaya thdp tumbuh-tumbuhan; b. (adverse) akibat: the ~s of an earthquake, akibat gempa bumi; c. (indirect) influence, pengaruh: the ~ of rain on plant growth, pengaruh hujan thdp pertumbuhan pokok; 2. impression, kesan: the colours produce a fascinating ~, warna-warna itu menimbulkan kesan yg amat menarik; sound ~s, kesan bunyi; 3. (in pl) goods, barang-barang: household ~s, barang-barang rumah; personal ~s, barang-barang peribadi; 4. (phys) kesan: Doppler ~, kesan Doppler; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
after-taste | n 1. rasa kesan; 2. (fig.) kesan: the ~ of a divorce, kesan perceraian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leave 1 | 9. also ~ behind, (lit. & fig.) result in, meninggalkan: the paint left stains on the floor, cat itu meninggalkan bekas-bekas di lantai; the break-up of the marriage left behind emotional scars that took a long time to heal, perceraian itu meninggalkan kesan-kesan emosi yg sukar hendak sembuh; 10. entrust, menyerahkan: he left the decision to the committee, dia menyerahkan keputusan itu kpd jawatankuasa; ~ it to me, I’ll organize the party, serahkan majlis itu pd saya, saya akan mengaturnya; ~ it to God, berserah kpd Tuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leave 1 | 9. also ~ behind, (lit. & fig.) result in, meninggalkan: the paint left stains on the floor, cat itu meninggalkan bekas-bekas di lantai; the break-up of the marriage left behind emotional scars that took a long time to heal, perceraian itu meninggalkan kesan-kesan emosi yg sukar hendak sembuh; 10. entrust, menyerahkan: he left the decision to the committee, dia menyerahkan keputusan itu kpd jawatankuasa; ~ it to me, I’ll organize the party, serahkan majlis itu pd saya, saya akan mengaturnya; ~ it to God, berserah kpd Tuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mark1 | n 1. a. stain, kesan: the cigarette has left a burn ~ on the carpet, rokok itu meninggalkan kesan terbakar pd permaidani;this liquid is good for removing oil ~s, cecair ini baik utk menghilangkan kesan minyak; b. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |