gradual | adj 1. taking place by degrees, beransur-ansur: there has been a ~ increase in rents, sewa telah naik secara beransur-ansur; education is a ~ process, pendidikan ialah proses yg beransur-ansur; 2. not steep, landai: a ~ slope, cerun landai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gentle | dahan menyentuh cermin tingkap; give so. a ~ /push, nudge, etc/, /menolak, menyigung, dll/ sso dgn perlahan: she gave her friend a ~ nudge with her elbow, dia menyigung kawannya dgn perlahan; 4. mild, a. (of wind, breeze) sepoi-sepoi (bahasa); b. (of rain) renyai(-renyai); 5. not steep, landai: ~ slopes, cerun yg landai; 6. not severe, not hurtful, lembut: his ~ criticism of the book was welcomed, kritikannya yg lembut thdp buku itu dialu-alukan; even a ~ reproach makes her cry, teguran lembut sekali pun membuat dia menangis; ~ teasing, usikan lembut; 7. slow, moderate, perlahan: she cooked the rice over a ~ fire, dia memasak nasi di atas api yg perlahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bathe | vt 1. apply water to, mencuci, membasuh, menyiramkan air pd: the nurse ~d the wound and applied the medicine, jururawat mencuci luka itu dan membubuh ubat; to ~ o’s eyes, mencuci mata sso; 2. immerse (in liquid) merendam: he ~d his swollen feet in warm water, dia merendam kakinya yg bengkak di dlm air suam; 3. lap, flow over, menyapu: the sea ~s the gently sloping beach, air laut menyapu pantai yg landai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |