Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : dead ~, bahasa yg sudah mati; to speak the same ~, (colloq) ngam: from the very begining they spoke the same ~, sejak mula lagi mereka memang ngam. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : n bahasa: the French ~, bahasa Perancis; the ~ of love, bahasa cinta; technical ~, bahasa teknikal; the poet’s beautiful ~, bahasa puisi yg indah; he has a great command of the ~, dia mempunyai kemahiran yg tinggi dlm bahasa itu; I will not allow bad ~ in my class, saya tdk akan membenarkan bahasa kasar digunakan dlm kelas saya; animals have their own ~, binatang mempunyai bahasanya sendiri; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : dead ~, bahasa yg sudah mati; to speak the same ~, (colloq) ngam: from the very begining they spoke the same ~, sejak mula lagi mereka memang ngam. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : n bahasa: the French ~, bahasa Perancis; the ~ of love, bahasa cinta; technical ~, bahasa teknikal; the poet’s beautiful ~, bahasa puisi yg indah; he has a great command of the ~, dia mempunyai kemahiran yg tinggi dlm bahasa itu; I will not allow bad ~ in my class, saya tdk akan membenarkan bahasa kasar digunakan dlm kelas saya; animals have their own ~, binatang mempunyai bahasanya sendiri; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata language

Artikel Majalah

Language and culture in the civilising processAsmah Haji OmarJurnal Peradaban Melayu = Journal of Malay Civilisation1 January 2003
LanguageRahman ShaariMalay Literature1 January 1994
Language as Ideology, Gunther Kress dan Robert Hodge, Routledge andKegan Paul, 163 halamanUmar JunusDewan Bahasa1 January 1984
Language planning in Brunei Darussalam: the role of accomodation andacculturationJones, Gary MMultilingua1 February 1997
Your LanguageAdi RumiTenggara1 January 1997
National Language as Medium of InstructionS. GopinathanDewan Bahasa4 January 1983
How language makes moneyFernandez, JamesDewan Siswa1 October 1993
Indirect languageFernandez, JamesDewan Siswa1 June 1993
The language of advertisementsFernandez, JamesDewan Siswa1 May 1993
Body languageFernandez, JamesDewan Siswa1 January 1990

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