wither | vi 1. droop, wilt, layu: without water the plants would ~ and finally die, tanpa air, tumbuh-tumbuhan akan layu dan akhirnya mati; cut flowers ~ quickly, bunga yg dipotong cepat layu; 2. also ~ away, become weaker, pudar: hope ~ed and died, harapan pudar dan lenyap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unfading | 2. not losing freshness, tdk layu: ~ flowers, bunga-bunga yg tdk layu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faded | adj 1. withered, layu: to throw away the ~ flowers, membuang bunga-bunga yg layu; 2. that has lost brightness, a. (of colour, coloured things) , /pudar, luntur/ warnanya: ~ jeans, jean yg pudar warnanya; b. (of photograph, picture, writing) kabur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fade | vi, 1. droop, wither, layu: flowers bloom and ~, bunga-bunga berkembang dan layu; 2. lose brightness, a. (of colour, coloured things), (menjadi) /pudar, luntur/: colours which will not ~, warna yg tdk akan menjadi pudar; the curtains have ~d, langsir-langsir sudah luntur; b. (of photograph, picture, writing), (menjadi) kabur; c. (of light) menjadi kelam; 3. lose vigour, strength, semakin lemah; 4. diminish, dwindle, a. also ~ away, (of sound) menjadi perlahan; (because of increasing distance) semakin sayup (kedengaran): the music ~d as the boat moved further downstream, bunyi muzik semakin sayup kedengaran apabila bot itu semakin jauh menghilir sungai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
withered | adj 1. wilted, layu: a vase of ~ flowers stood on the dusty table, sebuah jambangan yg berisi bunga-bunga layu terletak di atas meja yg berhabuk itu; 2. shrunken, a. (of person) berkerepot: a ~ old man, lelaki tua yg berkerepot; b. (of cheeks etc) berkedut; 3. (of arm, hand or leg) thin and weak, kurus kering: a child with a ~ arm, budak yg kurus kering lengannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wilt | vi 1. (of plants, flowers) wither, layu: the plants in my garden are ~ing because of the heat, tumbuh-tumbuhan di taman saya layu oleh sebab kepanasan; 2. become weak or tired, menjadi letih lesu: she could feel herself ~ing in the heat, dia dapat merasai dirinya menjadi letih lesu dlm kepanasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sear | 3. brand with hot iron, menyelar; 4. wither, melayukan, menyebabkan [n] layu: the frost had ~ed the young shoots, fros telah menyebabkan pucuk-pucuk muda itu layu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
limp 2 | adj 1. lacking firmness, droopy, a. (of plant etc) layu, terkulai: during the dry spell, the plants looked quite ~, pd musim kering tanam-tanaman kelihatan layu; b. (of hair) tdk bermaya: long ~ hair, rambut panjang yg tdk bermaya; c. (of flag etc) terkelepai, terkulai, terkelepek; 2. without energy, a. (of person or animal) lembik, longlai, terkelepek: he was ~ with exhaustion, dia lembik krn kepenatan; b. (of part of body) terkulai, terkelepai, terkelepek: her eyes were glazed and her hand was ~, matanya bular dan tangannya terkulai; c. (of handshake) lemah, tdk bermaya; 3. (of textile) soft, lembik: ~ fabrics, fabrik yg lembik; 4. (of the binding of a book) kulit lembut: a ~ edition, edisi kulit lembut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
limp 2 | adj 1. lacking firmness, droopy, a. (of plant etc) layu, terkulai: during the dry spell, the plants looked quite ~, pd musim kering tanam-tanaman kelihatan layu; b. (of hair) tdk bermaya: long ~ hair, rambut panjang yg tdk bermaya; c. (of flag etc) terkelepai, terkulai, terkelepek; 2. without energy, a. (of person or animal) lembik, longlai, terkelepek: he was ~ with exhaustion, dia lembik krn kepenatan; b. (of part of body) terkulai, terkelepai, terkelepek: her eyes were glazed and her hand was ~, matanya bular dan tangannya terkulai; c. (of handshake) lemah, tdk bermaya; 3. (of textile) soft, lembik: ~ fabrics, fabrik yg lembik; 4. (of the binding of a book) kulit lembut: a ~ edition, edisi kulit lembut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wilt | n penyakit layu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |