peremptory | 2. obeyed without question, mesti dipatuhi: ~ terms, syarat-syarat yg mesti dipatuhi; a ~ demand for immediate payment, tuntutan pembayaran segera yg mesti dipatuhi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
must | 4. need to, mesti, [or not translated]; (ref to person) harus, mesti: why ~ it rain today?, kenapalah hari ini hujan?; why ~ he say such nasty things to me?, mengapa dia mesti menceritakan perkara-perkara yg tdk e | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
must | vi (used as an auxiliary) 1. (indic inevitability) mesti: all living things ~ die, semua yg hidup mesti mati; 2. (expressing resolution) will, mesti: I ~ must find the time to reply all these lett | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
declarable | adj that must be declared, mesti diisytiharkan: ~ goods, barang-barang yg mesti diisytiharkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
part | ~ and parcel, perkara yg mesti: working late hours is ~ and parcel of being a scientist, bekerja hingga larut malam ialah perkara yg mesti bagi seorang saintis; ~ of it, antara sebabnya: she didn’t like London. P~ of it was that James had died there, dia tdk suka London. Antara sebabnya ialah James mati di sana; the best ~ of, hampir: Anne spent the best ~ of the morning cleaning the house, Anne menghabiskan masa hampir sepanjang pagi membersihkan rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
suppose | b. be required to, mesti: the office staff are ~d to be at their desks by 8.00 a.m., pekerja pejabat itu mesti berada di meja mereka selewat-lewatnya pukul 8.00 pagi; c. be allowed, dibenarkan: students are not ~d to talk in the library, pelajar-pelajar tdk dibenarkan bercakap-cakap dlm perpustakaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
will 1 | 6. (no pt; injunction) mesti; (fml) diminta: all prisoners ~ return to their quarters immediately, semua tahanan mesti kembali ke tempat masing-masing sekarang juga; he ~ do as I tell him, or suffer the consequences, dia mestilah mengikut perintah saya; kalau tdk, dia akan menanggung akibatnya; you ~ all rise when the judges enter, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian diminta berdiri apabila para hakim masuk; 7. (in polite formulas, often in negative and/or interrog form), a. (stressed and followed by question tag; functions as reminder), [imper v + “ya?”]: you ~ tell me if the fever increases, won’t you?, beritahulah saya kalau demam kamu semakin kuat, ya?; you won’t forget to post that letter, ~ you?, jangan lupa pos surat itu, ya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shall | b. (with 2nd or 3rd person subj) mesti, harus; (with negative) akan: you ~ do what the doctor says, kamu mesti mengikut arahan doktor; the enemy ~ not pass our lines, pihak musuh tdk akan menembusi barisan pertahanan kita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
payable | adj 1. that must be paid, (mesti) dibayar: the instalment is ~ on the tenth of every month, ansuran mesti dibayar pd 10 hb setiap bulan; 2. (of cheque, money order, etc) specifying payment to person or company, bayar kepada. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
say | whatever so. ~s goes, (colloq) apa yg sso kata, mesti diikut: whatever his wife ~s goes, apa saja yg isterinya kata, mesti diikut; when all is said and done, walau apa pun sso kata: when all is ~ and done, he’s new here; we cannot expect him to know everything, walau apa pun kamu kata, dia orang baru di sini; kita tdk boleh harapkan dia mengetahui segala-galanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |