forecourt | n 1. (of building) pekarangan; 2. (of tennis court) petak depan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | 3. area, land for specif purpose, kawasan: aboriginal burial ~s, kawasan pengebumian orang asli; the fishing ~s off the Norwegian coast, kawasan penangkapan ikan di pantai Norway; 4. (in pl) pekarangan: the palace ~s, pekarangan istana; 5. land with particular characteristics, kawasan tanah: level ~, kawasan tanah rata; swampy ~, tanah berpaya; 6. place or situation where st happens, tempat: the theatre is good training ~ for would-be actors and actresses, teater merupakan tempat latihan yg baik utk bakal-bakal pelakon; aspect, subject under consideration, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lighting | n 1. equipment that lights a place, lampu: the ~ in the palace grounds, lampu di pekarangan istana; 2. arrangement of electric lights for film, play, etc, pencahayaan: the stage ~ was very effective, pencahayaan pentas sungguh berkesan; 3. the light itself, cahaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lighting | n 1. equipment that lights a place, lampu: the ~ in the palace grounds, lampu di pekarangan istana; 2. arrangement of electric lights for film, play, etc, pencahayaan: the stage ~ was very effective, pencahayaan pentas sungguh berkesan; 3. the light itself, cahaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
see 1 | ~ so. off, a. send so. off, menghantar sso: are you going to ~ them off at the station?, adakah kamu akan menghantar mereka ke stesen?; b. chase so. away, menghalau: two of the servants were told to ~ the man off the premises, dua antara pembantu rumah itu disuruh menghalau lelaki tersebut dr pekarangan rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
front | have the ~ to do st, berani + approp v: he had the ~ to tell Mavis that she was a bad administrator, dia berani memberitahu Mavis bahawa dia pentadbir yg kurang baik; in ~, a. in a forward position, di /depan, hadapan/: a large house with a courtyard in ~, rumah besar dgn pekarangan di depan; b. ahead, lebih /dahulu, awal/: he was behind for most of the race but managed to finish in ~, kebanyakan masa dlm perlumbaan itu dia di belakang, tetapi berjaya menamatkan perlumbaan lebih dahulu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |