upturn | n peningkatan: there is an ~ in the country’s economy, ada peningkatan dlm ekonomi negara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uplift | n act or process of bettering moral, social, intellectual conditions, peningkatan: a campaign intended for the ~ of the nation, kempen ke arah peningkatan negara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
quantum leap | n peningkatan yg besar: the creation of a modern industrialized nation in a short period was a ~ for an impoverished third-world country, penciptaan negara industri moden dlm jangka masa yg pendek merupakan satu peningkatan yg besar bagi neg | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spurt | 2. sudden burst, a. (in sales, technology, etc) peningkatan: an unexpected ~ in sales left them short of stock, peningkatan jualan yg tdk diduga telah menyebabkan mereka kekurangan bekalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
per cent | adj, adv & n peratus: a ten ~ increase in productivity, peningkatan dlm daya pengeluaran sebanyak sepuluh peratus; he is a hundred ~ in agreement with my plan, dia bersetuju seratus peratus dgn rancangan saya; interest of eight ~ a month, faedah sebanyak lapan peratus sebulan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
proportion | babak kedua panjang berbanding dgn lakonan itu pd keseluruhannya; in ~ /to, with/, at the same rate, seimbang dgn: output increases in ~ to the number of workers hired, peningkatan pengeluaran seimbang dgn bilangan pekerja yg diupah; many towns flourished in ~ with the growth of industry, banyak bandar bertambah maju seimbang dgn perkembangan industri; the height of the ceiling is not in ~ to the area of the floor, tinggi siling itu tdk seimbang dgn keluasan lantai; out of ~, tdk seimbang; out of ~ to, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
of | 3. (used to specify amount or value) sebanyak: the country has a student population ~ 5 million, negeri itu mempunyai bilangan penuntut sebanyak 5 juta; an increase ~ 4% in industrial investment, peningkatan sebanyak 4% dlm pelaburan perindustrian; 4. (used to specify age), (yg) berumur, berusia; (for baby) berumur: boy ~ ten, budak lelaki yg berumur sepuluh tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concentrate | vi 1. focus effort, attention, menumpukan perhatian: he is concentrating on his work, dia sedang menumpukan perhatian pd kerjanya; we should ~ on increasing productivity, kita patut menumpukan perhatian pd peningkatan daya pengeluaran; 2. converge, gather, bertumpu: the immigrant population tended to ~ in cities, penduduk imigran biasanya bertumpu di kota-kota; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
productivity | n daya pengeluaran, produktiviti: these fertilisers increase the ~ of the soil, baja ini menambah daya pengeluaran tanah itu; the raising of wages without an increase in ~ is said to be the major cause of inflation, kenaikan gaji tanpa peningkatan daya pengeluaran dikatakan menjadi penyebab utama inflasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
place | ~ all the packets in the bag, letakkan semua bungkusan di dlm beg; the sets were ~d behind the stage, set itu ditempatkan di belakang pentas; his father ~d $500 in the boy’s bank account, bapa budak itu memasukkan $500 ke dlm akaun bank anaknya; 2. put (so., st) in particular situation, circumstances, meletakkan: this increase in fares will ~ over-seas travel beyond the reach of most people, peningkatan tambang perjalanan ke luar negeri ini akan menyebabkan ramai orang tdk mampu pergi ke luar negeri; 3. give, put, lay | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |