prospect | memikirkan bahawa dia akan pergi ke luar negeri utk melanjutkan pelajaran menyeronokkannya; b. (st that might happen) kemungkinan, harapan: we have little ~ of succeeding, kemungkinan utk kami berjaya adalah tipis sekali; in the present circumstances, there is no ~ of a reduction in taxation, dalam keadaan sekarang ini, kemungkinan utk cukai dikurangkan langsung tdk ada; 3. (old-fashioned) view over wide area of countryside etc, pemandangan (yg luas): the house has a fine ~, pemandangan dr rumah itu indah sekali; 4. a. very likely customer, client, etc, bakal + approp n: an experienced | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
on | 11. a. (indic vehicle so. travels in) dalam: several passengers ~ the plane complained about the poor service, beberapa orang penumpang dalam kapal terbang itu merungut ttg layanan buruk yg diberikan; they met ~ the train to Kota Bharu, mereka bertemu dalam kereta api yg menuju ke Kota Bharu; b. (indic or rel to way of walking, travelling, etc), [various translations]: they travelled ~ foot, mereka pergi berjalan kaki; soldiers ~ horseback, askar-askar yg menunggang kuda; to walk ~ tiptoe, berjalan terjengket-jengket; to crawl ~ all fours, merangkak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
on | 3. (ref to st that is included in a timetable, list, etc) dalam: one of the items ~ the agenda, salah satu perkara dalam agenda; his name is not ~ the list, namanya tdk ada dalam senarai itu; 4. onto, ke; (vehicle, animal, furniture, etc) ke atas; (so as to rest on top of given surface) di atas: if you drop it ~ the floor, it will smash to smithereens, jika terjatuh ke lantai, cawan itu akan berkecai; I splashed some cold water ~ my face, saya memercikkan air sejuk ke muka saya; he jumped ~ his motorcycle and rode away, dia melompat ke atas motosikalnya lalu menunggang pergi; she laid her hand gently ~ mine, dia meletakkan tangannya dgn lembut di atas tangan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |