sake 1 | /arguing, talking, etc/ for the ~ of /arguing, talking, etc/, /bertengkar, bercakap/ hanya krn suka /bertengkar, bercakap dll/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sake 1 | for the ~ of argument, utk perbincangan (saja): for the ~ of argument, what do you think would happen if this country was ruled by a woman, utk perbincangan saja, apa yg kamu fikir akan berlaku jika negeri ini diperintah oleh seorang wanita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sake 1 | she will do anything for the ~ of money, dia akan berbuat apa saja krn wang; he was willing to give up everything for the ~ of the cause, dia rela mengorbankan segala-galanya demi perjuangannya; for God’s ~, have mercy, demi Tuhan, kasihanilah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sake 1 | for the ~ of /so., st/, krn /sso, sst/; (family, country, peace, etc) demi:the couple live together only for the ~ of the children, pasangan itu hidup bersama semata-mata krn anak-anak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sake 1 | for /Heaven’s, pity’s, goodness’, etc/ ~, demi Tuhan; for old times’ ~, demi masa lalu: will you help me for old times’ ~, bolehkah kamu bantu saya demi masa lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sake 1 | n; for it’s own ~, semata-mata krn sso menyukai sst: I’m studying philosophy for it’s own ~, saya mempelajari falsafah semata-mata krn saya menyukainya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pity | for ~’s sake, demi Tuhan: for ~’s sake, would you please leave us in peace, demi Tuhan, tolonglah jangan ganggu kami; /have, take/ ~ (on), menaruh /belas (kasihan), simpati/ (thdp), berasa /belas (kasihan), simpati/ (thdp): a stranger at last took ~ on them and offered them shelter, akhirnya, seorang yg tdk dikenali menaruh belas thdp mereka lalu menawarkan perlindungan; have ~ on /me, us, etc/, kasihanilah /saya, kami, dll/: for God’s sake, have ~ on us, demi Tuhan, kasihanilah kami; more’s the ~, (colloq) sayang /sekali, betul/: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sake 2 , saki | n sake, saki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
safety | for ~’s sake, /supaya (lebih), utk lebih/ selamat: check the brakes again for ~’s sake, supaya selamat, periksa brek itu sekali lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appearance | for the sake of ~s, demi kepentingan mata umum; give an ~ of, /kelihatan, tampak/ spt: he had given the ~ of being quite satisfied, dia kelihatan spt berpuas hati; give so. the ~ of, menjadikan sso /tampak, kelihatan/: her glasses gave her the ~ of being older than she really was, kaca matanya menjadikan dia tampak lebih tua drpd yg sebenarnya; give st the ~ of, menjadikan sst kelihatan: to give the painting an ~ of authenticity, menjadikan lukisan itu kelihatan tulen; have the ~ of, /kelihatan, nampak, tampak/ spt: he had the ~ of so. who had been up all night, dia tampak spt seorang yg telah berjaga semalam-malaman; it has the ~ of silk, kain itu kelihatan spt sutera; in ~, outwardly, pd lahirnya: in ~ they seem happily married, pd lahirnya mereka suami isteri yg bahagia; judge by ~s, mengukur drpd keadaan lahir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |