all-round | adj 1. competent in many things, serba boleh: an ~ student, penuntut yg serba boleh; 2. comprehensive, inclusive, menyeluruh: an ~ reduction in price, penurunan harga yg menyeluruh; an ~ education, pendidikan yg menyeluruh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
versatility | n 1. (of person) serba boleh: a painter of great imagination and ~, seorang pelukis yg hebat daya imaginasinya serta serba boleh; 2. (of things) serba guna: the ~ of new materials, bahan-bahan baru yg serba guna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
versatile | adj 1. (of person) adaptable, serba boleh: he is a very ~ pianist, dia pemain piano yg serba boleh; 2. having many uses, serba guna: a ~ material that can be used in a number of different ways, bahan serba guna yg boleh digunakan dgn beberapa cara yg berbeza; a ~ gadget that beats, blends and mixes, alat serba guna yg memukul, mengisar dan menggaul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
all-rounder | n (orang yg) serba boleh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lap 1 | in the ~ of luxury, dlm / serba mewah, kemewahan/: she was raised in the ~ of luxury, dia dibesarkan dlm serba mewah; in the ~ of the gods, di tangan Tuhan: whether he succeeds is in the ~ of the gods, sama ada dia berjaya atau tdk semuanya di tangan Tuhan; /dump, drop/ st in so’s ~, (colloq) longgokkan sst di bahu sso: if you think you’re going to dump this job in my ~, forget it, kalau kamu fikir kamu hendak longgokkan kerja ini di bahu saya, boleh jalanlah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lap 1 | in the ~ of luxury, dlm / serba mewah, kemewahan/: she was raised in the ~ of luxury, dia dibesarkan dlm serba mewah; in the ~ of the gods, di tangan Tuhan: whether he succeeds is in the ~ of the gods, sama ada dia berjaya atau tdk semuanya di tangan Tuhan; /dump, drop/ st in so’s ~, (colloq) longgokkan sst di bahu sso: if you think you’re going to dump this job in my ~, forget it, kalau kamu fikir kamu hendak longgokkan kerja ini di bahu saya, boleh jalanlah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | ~ about, a. on the point of, baru hendak: I was ~ about to knock when the door suddenly flew open, saya baru saja hendak mengetuk apabila pintu itu tiba-tiba dibuka luas; b. approximately, roughly, lebih kurang: he’s ~ about your height, tingginya lebih kurang tinggi kamu; c. almost, hampir: in the big department stores you can buy ~ about anything, di gedung-gedung serba aneka yg besar kita boleh membeli hampir apa saja; the book is ~ about finished, buku itu hampir selesai; it’s ~ about three o’clock, sudah hampir pukul tiga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |