scamper | vi run about nimbly, berlari melompat-lompat: the little squirrels ~ed along the branches, tupai-tupai kecil itu berlari melompat-lompat di atas dahan pokok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
strip 2 | b.denude, make bare (trees, bushes, etc), [various translations]: the squirrels have ~ped the trees of all the nuts, tupai-tupai itu telah memakan semua kekacang yg ada di pokok itu; the land has been ~ped of all vegetation, semua tumbuhan yg ada di tanah itu telah dicabut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
squirrel | n 1. bushy-tailed tree-climbing animal, tupai; 2. fur of this animal, bulu tupai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground-squirrel | n tupai tanah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chipmunk | n chipmunk, tupai tanah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nut | n 1. (fruit) kekeras: the squirrels store ~s in tree trunks, tupai mengumpulkan kekeras dlm batang pokok; 2. (seed) kacang: I can’t get the ~ out of the shell, saya tdk dapat mengeluarkan kacang dr kulitnya; chocolate with ~s and fruit, coklat yg ada kacang dan buah-buahan; 3. piece of metal with threaded hole, nat: tighten the ~ on the wheel, ketatkan nat pd roda itu; 4. (sl) head, kepala; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scuttle 2 | vi bergegas lari, berlari tergesa-gesa, berlari (dgn) /pantas, cepat/; (of animal) mencalai, berlari (dgn) /pantas, cepat/: a squirrel ~d across the road, seekor tupai mencalai menyeberangi jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 1 | ~ so. up, (colloq), (usu pass.) sso terlantar di + approp n: he was laid up for some months after the accident, dia terlantar di katil beberapa bulan selepas kemalangan itu; ~ st up, a. save fuel, supplies, etc, menyimpan sst: squirrels usually ~ up nuts for the winter, tupai biasanya menyimpan kekeras utk musim sejuk; b. (vehicle) sst terlantar: my car has been laid up for the past few weeks, kereta saya telah terlantar buat beberapa minggu yg lalu; ~ st up (for os), mencari sst: you’re only ~ing up trouble by not seeing to it immediately, kamu hanya mencari susah kalau tdk membaikinya segera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 1 | ~ so. up, (colloq), (usu pass.) sso terlantar di + approp n: he was laid up for some months after the accident, dia terlantar di katil beberapa bulan selepas kemalangan itu; ~ st up, a. save fuel, supplies, etc, menyimpan sst: squirrels usually ~ up nuts for the winter, tupai biasanya menyimpan kekeras utk musim sejuk; b. (vehicle) sst terlantar: my car has been laid up for the past few weeks, kereta saya telah terlantar buat beberapa minggu yg lalu; ~ st up (for os), mencari sst: you’re only ~ing up trouble by not seeing to it immediately, kamu hanya mencari susah kalau tdk membaikinya segera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gnaw | vt 1. bite continuously, menggerogot; (finger-nails) menggigit-gigit: the puppy ~ed the bone, anak anjing itu menggerogot tulang; 2. bite (way) through st, menebuk; (of ant beetle etc) membuat: a squirrel ~ed a hole in the coconut, tupai menebuk lubang pd buah kelapa itu; white ants have ~ed their way through the back of the cupboard, anai-anai membuat jalan menerusi belakang gerobok; 3. cause distress, anxiety to, menyeksa: sorrow ~ed his heart, kesedihan menyeksa jiwanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |