Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[vi.rus] | ۏيروس

Definisi : 1. sj kuman yg lebih halus drpd bakteria yg boleh menyebabkan penyakit pd manusia, haiwan, atau tumbuhan; 2. (Komp) atur cara asing yg menerobosi sesuatu sistem komputer sehingga dapat mengganggu, mengubah, me­rosakkan, atau memusnahkan maklumat yg ter­simpan di dlm sistem berkenaan; 3. ki pengaruh yg buruk, jahat, atau merosakkan. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[vi.rus] | ۏيروس

Definisi : kehidupan seni yg menyebabkan penyakit dan menularkannya. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata virus

Universiti Malaysia Sabah

VirtPathDisplayNameSynopsisWebURL Official Website - Factors Sabah must consider when Covid vaccine availableearly as the first quarter of next year. The greatest challenge then will no longer be on fighting Covid-19, as there is sufficient data about the “behaviour” of this virus. The next obstacle will be on convincing the people to accept whichever Covid-19 vaccine the government opts for. Just recently, The Star reported a survey that revealed over 90pc to convince the stateless or undocumented to accept the vaccine needs to be done in advance. The scenario in Sabah of tracking down undocumented persons and testing them for the virus is an important lesson in public health. If early steps are not taken to provide an understanding to this community on the benefit of the vaccine, any effort to create Highlighter.aspx?DocId=101&Index=D%3a%5cSearchIndexFiles%5cIndek%20UMS&HitCount=2&hits=1a3+4ca+

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