saddlecloth | n kain /alas, lapik/ pelana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stain | n 1. mark caused by discolouration, soiling, kesan (kotor): the table-cloth was covered with ~s, kain alas meja itu penuh dgn kesan kotoran; ink ~, kesan dakwat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gingham | n (kain) /genggang, gingam/: a ~ table-cloth, alas meja kain genggang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plush | adj 1.also plushy (colloq) posh, expensive, mewah: we’re going to stay in a very ~ establishment, kita akan tinggal di hotel yg begitu mewah; 2. made of plush, (drpd) kain plush: ~ seat cover, alas duduk kain plush; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lining | n 1. layer of material to cover inside surface, lapik, alas; (of clothing, curtain) lapis, lapik: the ~ of the skirt is torn, lapis skirt itu koyak; 2. material for covering the inside of clothing, curtain, etc, kain /lapis, lapik/; 3. layer of tissue covering inner surface of body, etc, tisu pengalas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
place | take ~, a. happen, berlaku, terjadi: we will never know exactly what took ~ that night, tdk mungkin kami tahu apa yg sebenarnya berlaku pd malam itu; b. (of st arranged) diadakan: the meeting took ~ as planned, mesyuarat diadakan sebagaimana yg diatur; take /so’s, st’s/ ~, take the ~ of /so., st/, menggantikan: no one can ever take his ~, tdk siapa pun yg dapat menggantinya; a white sheet took the ~ of a table-cloth, kain putih menggantikan alas meja; relegate etc to second ~, meletakkan [sso, sst] di tempat kedua: she relegated her career to second ~ after having a family, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |