ill-assorted | adj tdk bersesuaian (antara satu sama lain): an ~ collection of books, koleksi buku yg tdk bersesuaian antara satu sama lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dovetail | vi; ~ /into, with /, bersesuaian dgn: my plans ~ with those of the others, rancangan saya bersesuaian dgn rancangan orang lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
match1 | vi harmonise, bersesuaian, sepadan: she wore a pink dress with a hat to ~, dia memakai baju merah jambu dgn topi yg bersesuaian; I bought the top yesterday but I’ve had the skirt for some time – they ~ up well, don’t they?, saya membe | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
compatible | adj 1. able to live or work together harmoniously, secocok, serasi, bersesuaian, /sesuai, cocok/ antara satu sama lain: her parents were not really ~, ibu bapanya sebenarnya tdk secocok; 2. be able to exist, occur in harmony, bersesuaian, sesuai; (tech) serasi: the image that she has to present is not ~ with her personality, imej yg terpaksa ditampilkannya tdk sesuai dgn keperibadiannya; ~ blood groups, kumpulan darah yg serasi; the printer is not ~ with our computer, pencetak itu tdk serasi dgn komputer kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
matching | adj sepadan, bersesuaian: a pair of black leather shoes with a ~ handbag, sepasang kasut kulit hitam dgn beg tangan yg sepadan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incompatibility | n state of being, a. (incapable of living, working, etc together) tdk /serasi, secocok, bersesuaian/, tdk /sesuai, cocok/ antara satu sama lain: ~ was the reason for their divorce, mereka bercerai krn tdk serasi; b. (unable to occur, exist etc in harmony) bertentangan; (tech) ketakserasian: they could not get along because of ~ of temperament, mereka tdk bersesuaian krn perangai mereka yg bertentangan; the ~ of the drugs, ketakserasian antara ubat-ubat itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tie | ~ in (with st), /selaras, bersesuaian/ (dgn sst): his story ~s in with what you told me, ceritanya selaras dgn apa yg kamu beritahukan kpd saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incompatible | adj 1. incapable of living, working, etc together, tdk /serasi, secocok, bersesuaian/, tdk /sesuai, cocok/ antara satu sama lain: business partners who are not ~, rakan perniagaan yg tdk sesuai antara satu sama lain; 2. unable to occur, exist etc in harmony, bertentangan; (with each other) bertentangan antara satu sama lain; (tech) tak serasi: his behaviour is ~ with his position, tingkah lakunya bertentangan dgn kedudukannya; ~ ideas, gagasan yg bertentangan antara satu sama lain; ~ colours, warna yg bertentangan antara satu sama lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pertain | 2. belonging or forming part of st, merupakan sebahagian: the castle and the land ~ing to it, istana dan tanah yg merupakan sebahagian drpd kawasan tersebut; 3. be suitable, appropriate, bersesuaian: this is not the kind of behaviour ~ing to a young lady, ini bukanlah tingkah laku yg bersesuaian bagi seorang anak gadis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inharmonious | adj (fml) 1. discordant, sumbang, tdk harmoni: ~ sounds, bunyi-bunyi sumbang; 2. incongruous, tdk /harmoni, bersesuaian/: an ~ group of buildings, sekelompok bangunan yg tdk harmoni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |