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had (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan batas, takat, sempadan, perenggan, hingga, enggat, senggat;,
Kata Terbitan : berhad, mengehadkan, terhad, pengehadan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

strained adj 1. tense, tegang: she could see by her husband’s ~ face that he had had bad news, drpd wajah suaminya yg tegang itu dia tahu bahawa ada berita buruk;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
mat 1 vi become entangled, berserabut; (of hair on head) kusut: the vines had become ~ted and had completely hidden the fence, vain-vain menjadi berserabut dan pagar itu langsung tdk kelihatan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
improvisevi 1. make st from materials available or without preparation, menggunakan apa-apa saja yg ada; (of speaker, announcer, etc) approp v + secara spontan, mengimprovisasi: the announcer had to ~ to fill in the time, juruhebah terpaksa mengimprovisasi utk mengisi masa siaran; the speaker had to ~ as he had forgotten to bring the text of his speech, penceramah itu terpaksa berucap secara spontan krn terlupa membawa teks ucapannya; 2. compose st as one goes along, mengimprovisasi: the actor forgot his lines and had to ~, pelakon itu terlupa dialognya dan terpaksa mengimprovisasi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stay 1 ~ within, tdk melebihi: you had better ~ within the speed limit on this highway; there are speed traps, lebih baik kamu tdk melebihi had laju yg ditetapkan di lebuh raya ini; terdapat perangkap laju;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
expectvt 1. anticipate, menjangka: we had ~ed that to happen, kami telah menjangka itu akan berlaku; it is ~ed that the company will compensate her for her injury, adalah dijangka syarikat itu akan membayar ganti rugi krn kecederaannya; their objection to our proposal is only to be ~ed, bantahan mereka thdp syor kita memang sudah dijangka; as so. /~s, had ~ed/, spt yg sso jangka: she failed as we had ~ed, dia gagal spt yg kami jangka;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
infiltratevi 1. menyerap, meresap: water had ~d into the walls, air telah menyerap ke dlm dinding itu; 2. (fig.), /menyeludup, menyusup/ masuk: anti-government elements had ~ed into the armed forces, anasir antikerajaan telah menyeludup masuk ke dlm angkatan tentera;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pit 1vt mark with pits, melubangkan, melekukkan; (skin) menyebabkan berlekuk-lekuk: bombs had ~ted the runway, bom telah melubangkan landasan penerbangan itu; smallpox had ~ted his face, penyakit campak telah menyebabkan mukanya berlekuk-lekuk;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
mouldyadj 1. covered with mould, bercendawan, berlapuk; (tech) berkulapuk: the cheese had to be thrown out as it had gone ~, keju itu mesti dibuang krn telah bercendawan; 2. musty, stale, hapak: the old shoesKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
thoughconj 1. although, walaupun: ~ she had been working all day, she wasn’t tired, walaupun dia bekerja sepanjang hari, dia tdk penat; he refused to take an umbrella, ~ rain had been forecast, dia enggan membawa payung walaupun dKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stay 1 ~ within bounds, tdk melebihi had yg ditetapkan: the company will not be in trouble if the spending on this project ~s within bounds, syarikat itu tdk akan mengalami kesulitan jika perbelanjaan thdp projek tersebut tdk melebihi had yg ditetapkan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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