home | H~ Affairs, Hal-Ehwal Dlm Negeri; ~ trade, dagangan dlm negeri; goods manufactured for the ~ market, barang-barang yg dibuat utk pasaran tempatan; 5. (sports) a. (of match) di tempat sendiri: ~ match, perlawanan di tempat sendiri; b. (of team, crowd) tuan rumah; 6. native, asal: Sweden is his ~ country, Sweden ialah negara asalnya; 7. to the point, tepat mengenai sasaran: a ~ thrust, tikaman yg tepat mengenai sasaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foreign affairs | n hal-ehwal luar negeri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
current affairs | n hal ehwal semasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Africanist | n pakar ttg hal-ehwal Afrika. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mighty | mereka yg dulunya amat berkuasa dlm hal ehwal negara; with one ~ blow he felled his opponent to the ground, dgn satu pukulan yg sangat kuat, dia menumbangkan lawannya ke tanah; 2. of great size, extent, besar: a ~ mountain range, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affair | n 1. concern, urusan, hal: that is my ~, itu urusanku; 2. (in pl) a. ordinary business, urusan: don’t meddle in his ~s, jangan campur tangan dlm urusannya; b. commercial, professional business, urusan: the bank takes an interest in his ~s, bank itu mengambil berat thdp urusannya; c. public matters, hal-ehwal: world ~s, hal-ehwal dunia; current ~s, hal-ehwal semasa; ~s of state, hal-ehwal negara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
administer | vt 1. manage (affairs of, government, etc) mentadbirkan: to ~ the affairs of a country, mentadbirkan hal-ehwal negara; a lawyer was appointed to ~ the trust fund, seorang peguam telah dilantik utk mentadbirkan dana amanah itu; 2. mete out, execute, menjalankan, melaksanakan: to ~ the law, melaksanakan undang-undang; to ~ justice, menjalankan keadilan; o ~ punishment to so., menjalankan hukuman ke atas sso; 3. give, apply, memberi: to ~ medicine, memberi ubat; to ~ assistance, memberi pertolongan; ~ a rebuke, memarahi; 4. tender, impose, mentadbirkan: the Governor ~ed the formal oath of office, Gabenor mentadbirkan upacara mengangkat sumpah utk memegang jawatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
predominantly | adv chiefly, largely, lebih banyak: the island’s population is ~ white, penduduk pulau itu lebih banyak orang kulit putih; the discussion was ~ about economic matters, perbincangan itu lebih banyak menyentuh hal ehwal ekonomi; a ~ French-speaking society, masyarakat yg lebih banyak berbahasa Perancis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tangled | 2. complicated, a. kusut; the negotiations soon became completely ~, rundingan-rundingan itu akhirnya benar-benar menjadi kusut; b. (fig.) kacau: the ~ state of affairs in that region, keadaan hal ehwal yg kacau di kawasan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
external | adj 1. of or for the outside, luar(an): this ointment is for ~ use only, salap ini adalah utk kegunaan luar sahaja; he suffered ~ injuries, dia mengalami kecederaan luaran; 2. coming, acting from without, (dr) luar; (of examiner, auditor, student) luar: ~ intervention may worsen the situation, campur tangan dr luar mungkin memburukkan situasi itu lagi; they were merely responding to ~ pressure, mereka hanya bereaksi thdp tekanan dr luar; 3. involving foreign countries, luar negeri: ~ debt, hutang luar negeri; the Department of E~ Affairs, Jabatan Hal-Ehwal Luar Negeri; 4. growing on or attached to the outside, luaran: ~ gills, insang luaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |