twin | n 1. one of two children born of one pregnancy, (anak) kembar: they are ~s, mereka anak kembar; she is my ~ sister, dia saudara kembar saya; identical ~s, kembar seiras; 2. (often attrib) st exactly like st else, kembar, dua ... kembar: the ship has ~ propellers, kapal itu mempunyai kipas kembar; the ~ evils of poverty and unemployment, dua keburukan kembar iaitu kemiskinan dan pengangguran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
triplet | n 1. three children or animals born at one birth, (anak) kembar tiga: one of the ~s died, salah seorang drpd kembar tiga itu meninggal dunia; the cat had ~s, kucing itu dapat anak kembar tiga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
double | adj 1. twice as much, sekali ganda; (of liquour) dua sukatan: he paid ~ fare to get a window seat, dia membayar tambang sekali ganda untuk mendapat tempat duduk yg bertingkap; she had to do ~ work while her partner was ill, dia terpaksa membuat kerja sekali ganda semasa rakan sekerjanya sakit; he ordered a ~ whisky, dia meminta wiski dua sukatan; 2. composed of two similar things, kembar: ~ lines, garisan kembar; ~ doors, pintu kembar; ~ yolk, kuning telur kembar; a ~ - paged advertisement, iklan halaman kembar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
differentiate | vi 1. tell the difference, membezakan: he was not able to ~ between the elder and the younger of the twins, dia tdk dapat membezakan antara kembar yg lebih tua dgn kembar yg lebih muda; 2. discriminate, membeza-bezakan: she did not ~ between her son and her stepson, dia tdk membeza-bezakan antara anaknya dan anak tirinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
differ | vi 1. be dissimilar, berbeza, berlainan: the twins ~ markedly in appearance, kembar itu berbeza sekali dr segi rupa; the two reports ~ completely, dua laporan itu berbeza sama sekali; his accent ~s from his parents’, telornya berbeza drpd telor ibu bapanya; 2. disagree, bertentangan pendapat, tdk bersetuju: we ~ with him on this matter, kami bertentangan pendapat dengannya dlm perkara ini; agree to ~, bersetuju utk berbeza; I beg to ~, (fml) saya tdk bersetuju. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ligature | n 1. (tech) thread etc to tie blood vessel, ligatur, ikatan; 2. (mus) ligatur; 3. (printing) huruf kembar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ligature | n 1. (tech) thread etc to tie blood vessel, ligatur, ikatan; 2. (mus) ligatur; 3. (printing) huruf kembar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
like 1 | adj similar, serupa, sama; (used after making a reference to members of a particular group) sejenis (dengannya): they are twins, but they are not very ~, mereka berdua kembar, tetapi wajah mereka tdk begitu serupa; we are of ~ mind over this issue, kami mempunyai pandangan yg serupa ttg isu ini; household pests namely cockroaches, white ants and ~ creatures, serangga perosak spt lipas, anai-anai dan hidupan lain yg sejenis dengannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
like 1 | adj similar, serupa, sama; (used after making a reference to members of a particular group) sejenis (dengannya): they are twins, but they are not very ~, mereka berdua kembar, tetapi wajah mereka tdk begitu serupa; we are of ~ mind over this issue, kami mempunyai pandangan yg serupa ttg isu ini; household pests namely cockroaches, white ants and ~ creatures, serangga perosak spt lipas, anai-anai dan hidupan lain yg sejenis dengannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
oneness | n 1. (of God) Maha Esa; 2. singleness, satu; 3. sameness, kesamaan: the ~ of the twins, kesamaan anak kembar itu; 4. unchangeability, yg tdk berubah-ubah: the ~ of the desert landscape, pandangan padang pasir yg tdk berubah-ubah; 5. unity, perpaduan: the ~ of the people and their leaders, perpaduan antara rakyat dan pemimpin-pemimpin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |