breakaway | n 1. failure of mechanical action, kerosakan: a ~ on the line delayed all trains, kerosakan pd landasan melambatkan perjalanan semua kereta api; any ~ of the machinery would result in heavy losses, sebarang kerosakan jentera akan menyebabkan kerugian besar; 2. collapse, a. (in communication, supply, etc) putusnya, terputusnya: the cyclone caused a ~ of communications between the island and the mainland, angin ribut menyebabkan perhubungan antara pulau itu dgn tanah besar terputus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fault | n 1. responsibility for st wrong, kesalahan: it is not our ~, itu bukan kesalahan kami; 2. mistake, kesalahan, kesilapan: several ~s in the document, beberapa kesilapan pd dokumen itu; a ~ in the installation of the cable, kesilapan dlm pemasangan kabel; she finds ~ with everything I do, dia mencari kesilapan thdp apa saja yg saya lakukan; 3. defect, kerosakan, kecacatan; (electr) kerosakan: there is a ~ in the fabric, terdapat kecacatan pd kain itu; an electrical ~ in the motor, kerosakan elektrik pd motor; 4. failing, kelemahan: to like so. in spite of all his ~s, menyukai sso tanpa mengira semua kelemahannya; 5. (geol) gelinciran, sesar; 6. (in badminton, tennis) salah, batal: double ~, salah dua kali; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depravation | n 1. act, fact of making depraved, a. (person) merosakkan /akhlak, moral/; b. (character, behaviour, mind, etc) merosakkan; 2. state of being depraved, a. (person) kerosakan /akhlak, moral/, kehinaan; b. (character, behaviour, mind) kerosakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harm | n 1. damage, a. (gen) keburukan: rumours can do a lot of ~, khabar angin boleh mendatangkan banyak keburukan; an open discussion of the matter will do more ~ than good, perbincangan secara terbuka ttg perkara itu akan mendatangkan lebih banyak keburukan drpd kebaikan; b. (to person’s health in general) mudarat: a few drinks will do you no ~, kalau minum sedikit, tdk akan mendatangkan mudarat kpd kamu; c. (to st specified) kerosakan: psychological ~, kerosakan psikologi; do ~ to, merosakkan: the floods did a lot of ~ to the houses, banjir telah merosakkan rumah-rumah itu dgn teruk; 2. physical injury, kecederaan: the device protects passengers from ~, alat itu melindungi penumpang-penumpang drpd mendapat kecederaan; do ~ to, mencederakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defect | n 1. fault, flaw, a. (in appearance, form) kecacatan: ~s in the wood, kecacatan yg terdapat pd kayu itu; to examine a product for ~s, meneliti bahan keluaran sekiranya ada kecacatan; b. (in function) kerosakan: a ~ in the mechanism, kerosakan pd mekanisme; c. (in character, nature) kelemahan, kecacatan: a ~ in o’s character, kelemahan pd peribadi sso; moral ~, kecacatan moral; 2. deficiency, a. (in regularity, soundness of form or structure) kelemahan, kekurangan: ~s in an administrative system, kelemahan dlm sistem pentadbiran; there are several ~s in the design, terdapat beberapa kelemahan dlm reka bentuk itu; b. (ref to eyesight, hearing) rosak: he has a hearing ~, pendengarannya rosak; c. (ref to memory) kelemahan, lemah; d. (ref to speech) kecacatan, cacat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
general | adj 1. involving the whole rather than a part, menyeluruh: ~ decay, kerosakan yg menyeluruh; the announcement caused ~ uproar, pengumuman itu menyebabkan berlakunya kegemparan yg menyeluruh; 2. common, widespread, umum, ramai: matters of ~ interest, soal-soal kepentingan umum; the new TV programme has become a ~ favourite, rancangan baru TV itu telah menjadi kegemaran umum; the ~ opinion is that he is guilty, pd pendapat umum dia bersalah; 3. comprehensive, not restricted, am, umum: schemes to improve the ~ welfare of the farmers, rancangan-rancangan utk meningkatkan kebajikan am para petani; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decay | n 1. decline, kemerosotan: the ~ of intellectual power, kemerosotan intelek; moral ~, kemerosotan akhlak; 2. dilapidation, usang: the old castle was in a state of ~, istana tua itu dlm keadaan usang; 3. rotting, a. (gen) pereputan: the ~ of organic matter, pereputan bahan organik; b. (of fruit, vegetable) membusuk, menjadi busuk: a chemical that will slow down the process of ~ in fruits, bahan kimia yg boleh melambatkan proses membusuk dlm buah-buahan; c. (of tooth) kerosakan: proper dental care helps prevent tooth ~, penjagaan gigi yg sempurna dapat menghindarkan kerosakan gigi; 4. result of decaying, bahagian yg rosak: to remove the ~ from a tooth, membuang bahagian yg rosak pd gigi; fall into ~, a. decline, mengalami kemerosotan, merosot; b. become dilapidated, menjadi usang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
material | adj 1. rel to the physical world, kebendaan: fortunately, there was no ~ damage, nasib baik tdk ada kerosakan kebendaan; ~ wealth, kekayaan kebendaan; 2. of o’s physical needs, fizikal, lahiriah, jasmani: < | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inestimable | adj 1. not able to be estimated, computed, tdk dapat dianggarkan: the earthquake caused ~ damage, gempa bumi itu mengakibatkan kerosakan yg tdk dapat dianggarkan; 2. too precious to be estimated, tdk ternilai: research of ~ value to science, kajian yg tdk ternilai kpd bidang sains. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irredeemable | adj (fml) 1. irreparable, tdk /dapat, boleh/ ditebus: the floods did ~ damage, banjir itu menyebabkan kerosakan yg tdk dapat ditebus; 2. hopeless and therefore not able to be put right, tdk boleh dibaiki: an ~ flaw in his character, cacat pd perangainya yg tdk dapat dibaiki; 3. (of bonds, debentures, etc) tak boleh tebus: ~ capital, modal tak boleh tebus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |