cap | vt 1. put a lid on, menutup: to ~ a bottle tightly, menutup botol ketat-ketat; 2. form a cap over, melitupi: the snow ~ped the mountain top, salji melitupi puncak gunung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tight | adj 1. closely fitting, ketat, sempit: she was wearing a ~ dress, dia memakai baju yg ketat; she finds the new shoes too ~, dia mendapati kasut baru itu terlalu ketat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lax | adj 1. negligent, not strict, a. (of rules etc) tdk /ketat, longgar/: ~ security, kawalan tdk ketat; the regulations were ~ and supervision minimal, peraturan tdk ketat dan pengawasannya sangat sedikit; b. of a person’s, i. (performance) tdk tegas: lately, the teacher has been ~ and standards have slipped, kebelakangan ini, guru itu tdk tegas dan mutu pelajaran telah menurun; ii. (attitude towards looks) cuai menjaga: she has become ~ about her appearance, dia cuai menjaga rupanya; iii. morals, rendah; 2. (of bowels) lawas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lax | adj 1. negligent, not strict, a. (of rules etc) tdk /ketat, longgar/: ~ security, kawalan tdk ketat; the regulations were ~ and supervision minimal, peraturan tdk ketat dan pengawasannya sangat sedikit; b. of a person’s, i. (performance) tdk tegas: lately, the teacher has been ~ and standards have slipped, kebelakangan ini, guru itu tdk tegas dan mutu pelajaran telah menurun; ii. (attitude towards looks) cuai menjaga: she has become ~ about her appearance, dia cuai menjaga rupanya; iii. morals, rendah; 2. (of bowels) lawas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rigorous | adj 1. strict, ketat: ~ discipline, disiplin yg ketat; 2. scrupulous, rapi: ~ book-keeping, simpan kira yg rapi; 3. harsh, severe, azab; (of weather) dahsyat: life was ~ in these early settlements, hidup azab di petempatan-petempatan awal ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tightly | adv 1. fitting closely, ketat, sempit: a ~ fitting dress, baju yg ketat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stringent | adj 1. (of rules etc) strict, vigorous, ketat: the traffic laws are ~, undang-undang jalan raya yg sungguh ketat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sworn | adj 1. avowed, (of friend) sejati; (of enemy) ketat: the two men are ~ enemies, dua lelaki itu musuh ketat; 2. given under oath, attested, atas sumpah: ~ evidence, keterangan atas sumpah; a ~ statement, kenyataan atas sumpah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | keep a (firm, tight) ~ on, (fig.) mengawal dgn ketat: he still kept a firm ~ on the family business, dia masih mengawal perniagaan keluarga itu dgn ketat; on ~, a. (of caller) sedang menunggu; b. (of project) ditangguhkan; take ~, (of law, policy, etc) berkuat kuasa; with no ~s barred, (fig.) tanpa mengikut + approp n: the competition was held with no ~s barred, pertandingan itu telah dijalankan tanpa mengikut peraturan; they both tried to win her with no ~s barred, mereka berdua mencuba memenangi hati gadis itu tanpa mengikut batas susila; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deadly | adj 1. fatal, lethal, (boleh) membawa maut: the poison of the taipan is ~, bisa ular taipan boleh membawa maut; a ~ disease, penyakit yg boleh membawa maut; 2. implacable, a. (of enemy, foe) ketat: ~ enemies, musuh ketat; b. (of feeling) meluap-luap: ~ hatred, kebencian yg meluap-luap; ~ vengeance, dendam kesumat; 3. with aim to kill, destroy, bermati-matian: to be locked in ~ combat, terlibat dlm pertarungan bermati-matian; 4. deathlike, a. (of paleness, pallor) spt mayat: a ~ paleness spread over her features, wajahnya beransur-ansur pucat spt mayat; b. (of silence) sepi; c. (of stillness) sesepi-sepinya; 5. excessive, sangat: he was in ~ haste to leave town, dia sangat tergesa-gesa hendak meninggalkan bandar itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |