admission | n 1. allowing entry to, a. (person) /membenarkan, dibenarkan/ masuk, kebenaran masuk; (to a place one pays to enter) masuk: to be refused ~, tdk dibenarkan masuk; ~ by ticket, masuk dgn tiket; b. (other than person) kemasukan, masuknya: the ~ of light into the room, kemasukan cahaya ke dlm bilik itu; 2. allowing to join, a. (school, university, etc) penerimaan masuk: ~ to the school is by examination, penerimaan masuk ke sekolah itu berasaskan peperiksaan; b. (organization, academy, etc) penerimaan menjadi ahli; 3. charge for entering, bayaran masuk: ~ one dollar, bayaran masuk satu dolar; 4. acknowledgement, pengakuan: ~ of guilt, pengakuan bersalah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | ~ out, not enter, dilarang masuk: danger! K~ out!, bahaya! Dilarang masuk!; ~ so. out, menghalang sso drpd /masuk, memasuki sst, masuk ke sst/; (when subj of sentence is not person) membuat sso tdk berani masuk: he ho | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entrance 1 | n 1. way in (door, gate) pintu masuk; (passage, road, etc) jalan masuk: the ~ is at the side, pintu masuk di tepi; the ~ to the caves has been blocked, jalan masuk ke gua itu telah disekat; 2. a. coming in, arrival, kemasukan, masuk: the audience applauded the ~ of the soloist, para penonton bertepuk sorak semasa penyanyi solo itu masuk; b. way so. enters a room, masuk: the celebrated actress made a grand ~, pelakon terkenal itu masuk dgn hebatnya; c. (theatr) masuk (ke pentas): the heroine does not make her ~ until Act II, heroin itu masuk ke pentas hanya dlm Babak II; 3. admission, masuk; (attrib) kemasukan: they were refused ~ because they were wearing flip-flops, mereka tak dibenarkan masuk krn memakai selipar; ~ examination, peperiksaan kemasukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
access | n 1. way of approach, entry, jalan masuk; (attrib) masuk: ~ to the village, jalan masuk ke kampung itu; ~ road, jalan masuk; 2. opportunity, means, etc of approaching (so., st) or using (st), [various translations]: to demand ~ to a building, menuntut hak masuk ke sesebuah bangunan; students who are denied ~ to the library, pelajar-pelajar yg tdk diberi kesempatan menggunakan perpustakaan; the only ~ to the professor is through his secretary, satu-satunya jalan menghubungi profesor itu ialah menerusi setiausahanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ in, a. enter, masuk: he went in by the back door, dia masuk melalui pintu belakang; b. fit in, masuk ke dlm: this book won’t ~ in my pocket, buku ini tdk boleh masuk ke dlm saku saya; c. be obscured by clouds, dilindungi awan: the moon went in and there was complete darkness, bulan dilindungi awan dan gelap-gelita jadinya; d. start work, masuk kerja: we ~ in at 8.00, kami masuk kerja pd pukul 8.00; e. (colloq) be understood, masuk: I’ve read this chapter several times but it will not ~ in, saya telah membaca bab ini beberapa kali tetapi tak masuk juga; f. travel by, pergi dgn: we’ll all in his car, kita semua akan pergi dgn keretanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
let 1 | ~ os in, masuk: I’ve got the key, so I can ~ myself in, saya ada kunci, jadi saya boleh masuk; ~ /so., st/ in, approp v + /sso, sst/ masuk; (air, water, etc) masuk: when he arrives, will you ~ him in?, apabila dia sampai, bolehkah kamu menjemput dia masuk?; don’t ~ that dog in, jangan biarkan anjing itu masuk; she wouldn’t ~ the salesman in, dia tdk membenarkan jurujual itu masuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
let 1 | ~ os in, masuk: I’ve got the key, so I can ~ myself in, saya ada kunci, jadi saya boleh masuk; ~ /so., st/ in, approp v + /sso, sst/ masuk; (air, water, etc) masuk: when he arrives, will you ~ him in?, apabila dia sampai, bolehkah kamu menjemput dia masuk?; don’t ~ that dog in, jangan biarkan anjing itu masuk; she wouldn’t ~ the salesman in, dia tdk membenarkan jurujual itu masuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
admittance | n membenarkan masuk: to refuse so. ~, tdk membenarkan sso masuk; no ~, /tdk dilarang, boleh/ masuk: no ~ except on business, dilarang masuk kecuali ada urusan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entry | n 1. coming in, arrival, masuk: his abrupt ~ into the room surprised them, mereka terperanjat apabila dia masuk dgn tiba-tiba ke dlm bilik itu; force an ~ , memecah masuk; 2. right of entering, masuk: he protested vehemently when he was refused ~ to the building, dia membantah dgn keras apabila dia tdk dibenarkan masuk ke bangunan itu; can’t you read the sign? It says “No E~”, kamu tak boleh membaca papan tanda itu? Di situ tertulis “Dilarang Masuk”; ~ visa, visa masuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | ~ so. in, membawa sso masuk: his secretary brought the visitors in, setiausahanya membawa pelawat-pelawat itu masuk; ~ (st) in, a. cause st to come in, membawa sst masuk: ~ in another plate please, tolong bawa masuk satu pinggan lagi; b. gather st, memungut sst: the farmers are ~ing the apples in early this year, tahun ini peladang-peladang memungut epal awal; c. produce st, /menghasilkan, membawa masuk/ sst: income tax ~s in millions of dollars, cukai pendapatan membawa masuk berjuta-juta dolar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |