haunting | adj that disturbs the mind, sentiasa menghantui fikiran sso: a ~ tune, lagu yg sentiasa menghantui fikirannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prey | ~ on so’s mind, /menghantui, mengganggu/ fikiran sso: the thought that he was the one responsible so ~ed on his mind, that he couldn’t sleep at night, mengenangkan bahawa dialah orang yg bertanggungjawab, telah menghantui fikirannya hingga dia tdk dapat tidur pd waktu malam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
obsess | vt (preoccupy) terlalu memikirkan [sst]; (haunt, harass) menghantui: she was completely ~ed by this new idea, dia terlalu memikirkan gagasan baru ini; the fear of illness ~ed him, rasa takut sakit menghantui fikirannya; a man ~ed with the desire to become famous, lelaki yg dihantui keinginan utk menjadi terkenal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bedevil | vt 1. harass, mengganggu, mengacau; 2. complicate, aggravate, merumitkan, menyulitkan; 3. afflict, plague, menghantui: doubts that ~led her thoughts, keraguan yg menghantui fikirannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
loom 2 | ~ in; ~ large in st, /menghantui, menguasai/ sst: his wife’s illness ~s large in his mind, penyakit isterinya menguasai fikirannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beleaguer | vt 1. harass, plague, menghantui, mengganggu: he was ~ed by doubts, dia dihantui keraguan; 2. lay siege to, mengepung: the city was ~ed for months, kota itu dikepung berbulan-bulan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
haunt | vt 1. frequent, selalu mengunjungi: men and women who ~ bars to pass the time, lelaki dan perempuan yg selalu mengunjungi bar utk menghabiskan waktu; 2. (of ghost etc) menunggui: the house was ~ed by a headless ghost, rumah itu ditunggui oleh hantu yg tdk berkepala; 3. recur in the mind, sentiasa bermain; (to trouble, obsess) menghantui: ~ed by fear, dihantui oleh rasa takut; 4. continually seek company of, bertempel dgn: those who ~ the president naturally have some favours to ask, orang-orang yg bertempel dgn presiden itu tentu saja ada pertolongan yg hendak diminta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ over, a.> overhang, menjulai: the branches hung over the water, dahan-dahan itu menjulai ke air; b. suspend from a surface to cover, menggantung(kan) [sst] di: she hung her favourite paintings all over the wall, dia menggantungkan lukisan-lukisan kegemarannya di merata dinding; c. about to happen to, menyelubungi, mengelubungi: (to individual) selalu /mengganggu, menghantui/ fikiran: the threat of a nuclear war is ~ing over us, ancaman akan terjadinya perang nuklear menyelubungi kita; the final examination is ~ing over me, peperiksaan akhir selalu mengganggu fikiran saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
possess | vt 1. own, mempunyai, memiliki: the family ~es vast areas of land in the interior, keluarga itu mempunyai beberapa bidang tanah yg luas di kawasan pedalaman; he was robbed of all he ~ed, semua harta yg dimilikinya telah dirompak; 2. have as a faculty, quality etc, mempunyai: he ~s good eyesight, dia mempunyai penglihatan yg baik; to ~ the quality of leadership, mempunyai kualiti kepimpinan; 3. obsess, menghantui, menguasai, mempengaruhi: she is ~ed by envy, dia dihantui oleh perasaan cemburu; all of a sudden, fear ~ed him and he became fixed to the spot, tiba-tiba dia dikuasai oleh rasa takut lalu dia terpaku di tempat itu; 4. be controlled by evil spirit, merasuk: she must have been ~ed to murder her own husband, dia tentu telah dirasuk hingga sanggup membunuh suaminya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |