resettlement | n penempatan semula: a recent programme of ~, rancangan mutakhir penempatan semula. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
relocation | n penempatan semula: the ~ of the population away from the war zone, penempatan semula penduduk jauh dr zon perang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
placement | the University is thinking of setting up a ~ agency for its graduates, Universiti itu sedang menimbangkan cadangan utk menubuhkan agensi penempatan bagi siswazahnya; b. (home) penempatan, peletakan: the ~ of a child in a foster home is usually studied very carefully by those concerned, penempatan kanak-kanak di rumah keluarga angkat biasanya dikaji dgn begitu teliti oleh pihak-pihak yg berkenaan; 3. job usu temporary during a training course, pekerjaan: in these days of job scarcity, he was lucky to get that ~, dlm keadaan kekurangan kerja sekarang ini dia bernasib baik mendapat pekerjaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
settlement | 3. process of inhabiting a region etc, penempatan (penduduk): land for ~ is readily available, tanah utk penempatan penduduk mudah diperoleh; 4. place so settled, petempatan: small ~s sprang up around these goldmining areas, petempatan-petempatan kecil tumbuh di sekitar kawasan perlombongan emas ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dispersion | n 1. (phys) penyebaran: ~ of light, penyebaran cahaya; 2. act of stationing at separate points, penempatan di beberapa bahagian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
placement | n 1. act of placing st in certain position, peletakan: the exact ~ of the lights is of the utmost importance in indoor photography, peletakan yg tepat bagi lampu-lampu adalah amat penting dlm bidang fotografi dalaman; 2. act of finding, a. (job) penempatan: the ~ of ex-prisoners in jobs is difficult, penempatan bekas-bekas banduan dlm bidang pekerjaan adalah sukar; the education department arranges for the ~ of teachers in various schools all over the country, jabatan pendidikan mengatur penempatan guru di pelbagai sekolah di seluruh negara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reformation | n 1. act of reforming character, perubahan perangai; (bad habits, way of life) pemulihan: I see some ~ in him. He’s more considerate, saya melihat sedikit perubahan perangai pd dirinya. Dia lebih bertimbang rasa; the ~ of drug addicts, pemulihan penagih dadah; 2. great change in various aspect of society, reformasi: a ~ in the re-settlement of aborigines, reformasi dlm penempatan semula orang-orang asli. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pioneer | vt 1. open up (path, route, way, etc) merintis: he ~ed a new route to the west coast of America, dia merintis jalan baru ke pantai barat Amerika; 2. be the first, a. (to settle) membuka, meneroka: the Pilgrim Fathers ~d English settlements of the north-eastern sea-board of America, kumpulan Pilgrim Fathers membuka penempatan di kawasan hadap laut sebelah timur utara Amerika; b. (to do st) mempelopori: he ~ed transplant surgery, dia mempelopori pembedahan transplan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |