wasp-waisted | adj berpinggang ramping: a ~ figure, tubuh yg berpinggang ramping. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wasp-waist | n pinggang /ramping, kerengga/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slender | b. (of the waist) ramping; c. (of the neck) jinjang: a row of pearls encircled her ~ neck, seutas rantai mutiara terlilit di lehernya yg jinjang; d. (of the hands, fingers) runcing; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
waisted | adj berpinggang: a slim~ woman, perempuan yg berpinggang ramping; a high~ dress, baju yg berpinggang tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slim | adj 1. slender, a. (of person, person’s body, build, figure) langsing, lampai: a ~ young girl, gadis yg lampai; the dress suits her ~ figure, baju itu sesuai utk bentuk badannya yg langsing; b. (of the waist) ramping; c. (of the neck) jinjang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
narrowness | n 1. small in width compared to length, a. (gen) tdk lebar: the ~ of the base caused it to be unsteady, tapaknya yg tdk lebar menyebabkan benda itu tdk kukuh; b. (of passage, piece of land, room, etc) sempit: we could not drive across because of the ~ of the bridge, kami tdk boleh memandu ke seberang krn jambatan itu sempit; c. (of belt, ribbon, etc) halus; d. (of waist) ramping; e. (of shoulder, hips) kuncup, kecil; 2. rigidness, kesempitan, sempit: the ~ of men’s minds, kesempitan fikiran manusia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
narrow | adj 1. of small width compared to length, a. (gen) tdk lebar: a ~ table, meja yg tdk lebar; the middle or ~ portion of the bone, bahagian tengah atau bahagian yg tdk lebar tulang itu; b. (of passage, piece of land, room, etc) sempit: a ~ and winding stream, anak sungai yg sempit dan berliku-liku; a ~ sidewalk, kaki lima yg sempit; a ~ bridge, jambatan yg sempit; ~ coastal plain, dataran pinggir laut yg sempit; the neck is the ~ portion of the bottle, leher botol ialah bahagian yg sempit pd botol; c. (of ribbon etc) halus: she wore a dress with ~ shoulder straps, dia memakai gaun yg bertali halus di bahunya; d. (of fabric, textile) bidang kecil; e. (of waist) ramping; f. (of shoulder, hips) kuncup, kecil; 2. rigid, sempit: a ~ mind, fikiran yg sempit; ~ views, pandangan yg sempit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |