similar | adj 1. resembling but not exactly alike, serupa: the two men are ~ in build, kedua-dua lelaki itu serupa bentuk badan mereka; two countries with a ~ form of government, dua buah negara yg mempunyai corak pemerintahan yg serupa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
look | ~ alike, /kelihatan, nampak/ serupa: the sisters ~ very alike, dua adik-beradik itu kelihatan sangat serupa; ~ alive, cepat (sikit): ~ alive! The train leaves in ten minutes time, cepat! Kereta api akan bertolak dlm masa sepuluh minit lagi; ~ bad, not ~ good, /nampak, kelihatan/ + approp adj: it will ~ bad if he doesn’t attend the meeting, nampak tdk elok kalau dia tdk hadir dlm mesyuarat itu; things don’t ~ at all good for him, nasibnya nampak tdk berapa baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
take | ~ after, serupa dgn: his son ~s after him he has the same blue eyes and short temper, anak lelakinya serupa dgn bapanya, matanya biru dan cepat berang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
answer | ~ (to) the description, /serupa dgn, sama dgn/ /gambaran, pemerian/: he ~s the description of the murderer, dia serupa dgn gambaran yg diberikan ttg pembunuh itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
like 1 | adj similar, serupa, sama; (used after making a reference to members of a particular group) sejenis (dengannya): they are twins, but they are not very ~, mereka berdua kembar, tetapi wajah mereka tdk begitu serupa; we are of ~ mind over this issue, kami mempunyai pandangan yg serupa ttg isu ini; household pests namely cockroaches, white ants and ~ creatures, serangga perosak spt lipas, anai-anai dan hidupan lain yg sejenis dengannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
like 1 | adj similar, serupa, sama; (used after making a reference to members of a particular group) sejenis (dengannya): they are twins, but they are not very ~, mereka berdua kembar, tetapi wajah mereka tdk begitu serupa; we are of ~ mind over this issue, kami mempunyai pandangan yg serupa ttg isu ini; household pests namely cockroaches, white ants and ~ creatures, serangga perosak spt lipas, anai-anai dan hidupan lain yg sejenis dengannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
resemble | vt serupa, sama: the two boys ~ one another in appearance, kedua-dua budak itu sama rupanya; the scene ~d a battlefield, pemandangan itu serupa dgn medan pertempuran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
similarly | adv 1. in like manner, serupa: all the children were ~ dressed for the occasion, semua kanak-kanak itu memakai pakaian yg serupa utk upacara itu; 2. likewise, begitu juga: I have to report to the chief, ~ you have to, saya kena melapor diri pd ketua, begitu juga kamu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
same | 2. alike, sama, serupa; (in pay, work, behaviour, etc) sama; (in age) sebaya: he walks in exactly the ~ way as his father does, dia berjalan betul-betul serupa spt bapanya berjalan; animals can feel lonely in the ~ way as humans, binatang juga boleh berasa kesunyian sama spt manusia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
match1 | 4. st identical to another, approp n + /serupa, sama/: I found a bowl which is the exact ~ of the one you broke, saya telah menjumpai mangkuk yg serupa dgn mangkuk yg telah pecah itu; 5. marriage, perkahwinan: the ~ w | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |