caution | n 1. wariness, heedfulness, sikap /(ber)hati-hati, berawas-awas, (ber)waspada/: a task requiring ~, satu tugas yg memerlukan sikap berhati-hati; /exercise, use/ ~, (ber)hati-hati, berawas-awas, (ber)waspada; with ~, dgn /(ber)hati-hati, berawas-awas, (ber)waspada/: this is a matter of national interest, you must proceed with ~, ini ialah soal kepentingan negara, kamu mesti menjalankannya dgn berwaspada; 2. warning, a. (gen) amaran: he was let off with a ~, dia dibebaskan dgn amaran; b. (on road signs) Awas!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wary | adj hati-hati, waspada: the children were taught to be ~ of strangers, budak-budak itu diajar supaya hati-hati thdp orang yg tdk dikenali; they were ~ of the safety of the journey, mereka hati-hati ttg keselamatan perjalanan itu; a ~ old man who is careful with his words, lelaki tua yg hati-hati dgn kata-katanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cautious | adj hati-hati, waspada: a ~ move, langkah yg hati-hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wide-awake | adj 1. fully awake, berjaga: the child was still ~ at 11.00 p.m., budak itu masih lagi berjaga pd pukul 11.00 malam; 2. wary, waspada: as a businessman he is very ~, sbg ahli perniagaan, dia sentiasa waspada. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guard | vt 1. a. watch over or protect (so.) mengawal, menjaga keselamatan: soldiers ~ the prince wherever he goes, askar-askar menjaga keselamatan putera raja itu ke mana saja beliau pergi; b. watch over (st) mengawal; (colloq) menjaga: four armed policemen ~ed the gold consignment, empat orang polis yg bersenjata mengawal konsainan emas itu; the dog can ~ the house, anjing itu boleh menjaga rumah; c. protect (secret, reputation, etc) menjaga: he ~ed his reputation jealously, dia menjaga nama baiknya dgn penuh waspada; 2. watch over so as to prevent from escaping, mengawal: the dangerous prisoner was closely ~ed, banduan yg berbahaya itu dikawal rapi; 3. control entry, exit at certain point, menjaga, mengawal: the entrance is well ~ed, pintu masuk itu dikawal rapi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |