decipher | vt 1. decode, menyahkod, mentafsirkan kod: the cable has not yet been ~ed, kabel itu belum lagi dinyahkod; 2. discern form, meaning of, mentafsirkan; (bad handwriting) membaca: to ~ old inscriptions, mentafsirkan suratan-suratan lama; it is quite difficult to ~ his scribble, agak sukar utk menbaca tulisannya yg buruk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boil2 | vi 1. reach boiling point, menggelegak; mendidih: the water will ~ soon, air itu akan mendidih tdk lama lagi: the kettle is ~ing, air dlm cerek itu sedang mendidih: the potatoes have not ~ed yet, air rebusan ubi kentang itu belum mendidih lagi; 2. bubble up because of heat, menggelegak: pools of ~ing mud, kolam lumpur yg menggelegak; 3. seeth (of waves, sea, etc) bergelora; (of person) darah sso /mendidih, menggelegak/: the sea ~ed in the storm, laut itu bergelora semasa ribut; she was ~ing with rage after the accusation of treachary, darahnya mendidih setelah dituduh berkhianat; make so’s blood ~, menyebabkan darah sso /mendidih, menggelegak/, /mendidihkan, menggelegakkan/ darah sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ over, a. climb over, melepasi: to ~ over a wall, melepasi tembok; b. cross (road, body of water) menyeberangi; c. recover from (illness) sembuh, pulih: it took me a long time to ~ over the flu, lama benar utk saya sembuh drpd demam selesema; d. recover from (shock, so’s death, disappointment, etc, [various translations]: he still has not got over the death of his wife, dia masih belum pulih drpd kesedihan krn kematian isterinya; a bitter experience that is not easily got over, pengalaman pahit yg sukar dilupakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bed | n 1. bedstead with mattress (and coverings) katil, tempat tidur: double ~, katil kelamin; single ~, katil bujang; 2. bedstead, (of wood) katil; (of metal) ranjang; 3. mattress and bedclothes, katil, tempat tidur: the ~ is unmade, katil itu belum dikemaskan; 4. any sleeping place, tempat tidur: he used an old box as a ~ for his cat, dia menggunakan kotak lama sbg tempat tidur kucingnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |