entitle | vt 1. give title to, memberikan [sst] /tajuk, judul/: the painting was ~d “Mona Lisa”, catan itu diberikan tajuk “Mona Lisa”; 2. give a rightful claim to, (act.) menyebabkan [sso] berhak; (pass.) berhak: this coupon ~s you to a free gift, kupon ini menyebabkan kamu berhak mendapat hadiah percuma; am I not ~d to my own opinion?, tidakkah saya berhak mempunyai pendapat sendiri?; only the senior executives are ~d to travel first-class, hanya eksekutif-eksekutif kanan sahaja berhak utk membuat perjalanan dlm kelas satu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
claim | have a ~ /on, to/, berhak mendapat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
business | have no ~, tdk /ada hak, mempunyai hak, berhak/ utk: you had no ~ meddling in my daughter’s affairs, kamu tdk ada hak utk campur tangan dlm hal anak saya; in ~, berniaga; like nobody’s ~, (colloq), [various translations]: he was spending money like nobody’s ~, dia membelanjakan wangnya macam air; I saw her in the restaurant, eating like nobody’s ~, saya nampak dia di restoran itu, sedang makan dgn sepuas-puas hati; we have been working like nobody’s ~ to get the job finished on time, kami bekerja bersungguh-sungguh utk menyiapkan kerja ini tepat pd waktunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interloper | n (derog) orang yg mencampuri /urusan, hal/ orang lain: although he had every right to be present, the members made him feel like an ~, walaupun dia berhak hadir, ahli-ahli persatuan itu membuat dia berasa spt orang yg mencampuri hal orang lain; it was a family affair, and he was an ~, itu urusan keluarga, dan dia merupakan orang yg mencampuri urusan orang lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judg (e)ment | b. pass sentence, menjatuhkan hukuman; sit in ~ /on, over/ so., mengadili sso: I have no right to sit in ~ over you as I would probably have reacted in the same way, saya tdk berhak mengadili kamu krn mungkin saya sendiri akan bertindak balas dgn cara yg sama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
law | b. (colloq), (as if with authority) bercakap macam /bijak pandai, tahu benar/: he lays down the ~ on subjects he knows nothing about, dia bercakap macam tahu benar ttg perkara yg langsung tdk diketahuinya; possession is nine points of the ~, berhak, mempunyai hak; (so’s) word is ~, perintah: around here, her word is ~, di tempat ini, kata-katanya ialah perintah; take the ~ into o’s own hands, bertindak /sesuka hati, sewenang-wenang/: no one is entitled to take the ~ into his own hands, tdk seorang pun boleh bertindak sesuka hati; the (long) arm of the ~, (humourous) polis: you can’t escape the long arm of the ~, kamu tdk boleh lari dr polis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
claim | 3. assert o’s ownership of, menuntut: no one ~ed the watch found in the premises, tdk ada yg menuntut jam tangan yg dijumpai di perkarangan bangunan itu; 4. take, account for, meragut: an epidemic that has ~ed thousands of lives, wabak yg telah meragut beribu-ribu nyawa; 5. call for, memerlukan: his work ~s his whole attention, tugasnya memerlukan sepenuh perhatiannya; 6. deserve, berhak mendapat: the plight of the starving millions ~s our sympathy, penderitaan berjuta-juta orang yg kebuluran itu berhak mendapat simpati kita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
free | adj 1. able to act at will, bebas: all men should be ~, semua manusia seharusnya bebas; after five years in prison he was ~ again, dia bebas semula selepas lima tahun dlm penjara; 2. (of country, society, press, etc) bebas: this is a ~ country and I have a right to express my opinion, ini negara bebas dan saya berhak menyatakan pendapat saya; we must defend our ~ society, kita mesti mempertahankan masyarakat kita yg bebas; ~ speech, bebas bercakap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judge | vt 1. hear and pass judgement, a. (of God) mengadili: God will ~ all men, Tuhan akan mengadili semua manusia; b. (in court of law) menghakimi: do you know who is going to ~ the murder case?, tahukah kamu siapa yg akan menghakimi kes itu?; 2. decide result of (competition etc) mengadili, menghakimi: she will be judging the baby show next week, dia akan mengadili pertandingan bayi minggu hadapan; 3. evaluate, assess, menilai: to ~ a man by the clothes he wears, menilai sso drpd pakaiannya; it’s not for me to ~ you, saya tdk berhak menilai saudara; schools are usually ~d by the performance of their students in exams, sekolah biasanya dinilai drpd prestasi penuntut dlm peperiksaan; 4. estimate, menganggarkan: she ~d him to be about 65, dia menganggarkan umur lelaki itu sekitar 65 tahun; he ~d that there must be at least twenty people living in the small house, dia menganggarkan sekurang-kurangnya dua puluh orang | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
business | 7. thing needing attention, (serious work) urusan; (pertaining to commercial activity) urusan perniagaan: the ~ of the meeting today is..., urusan mesyuarat hari ini ialah...; I am here on some urgent ~, saya di sini krn urusan penting; 8. personal concern, affairs, urusan: it’s none of your ~, itu bukan urusan kamu; state your ~, nyatakan urusan tuan; 9. matter, perkara, hal: I’m sick of the whole ~, saya sudah bosan dgn perkara itu; 10. right, hak: you have no ~ to interfere, kamu tdk ada hak or kamu tdk berhak utk campur tangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |