gush | ~ over, beria-ia memuji: she ~ed over the handsome actor, dia beria-ia memuji pelakon yg kacak itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alacrity | n 1. eager readiness, keberiaan, beria-ia: the ~ with which she accepted the invitation, keberiaannya menerima jemputan itu; 2. briskness, cergas, kecergasan; (of woman) kelincahan, lincah, kecergasan, cergas: she dismounted with ~, dia turun dr kuda itu dgn lincah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dead | ~ asleep, tidur /mati, nyenyak, lenyak, lena, lelap/; ~ drunk, terlalu mabuk, mabuk /bunga selasih, benar, betul/; be ~ against, be directly opposed to, tdk bersetuju langsung: she was ~ against the plan, dia tdk bersetuju langsung dgn rancangan itu; be ~ set on, /berazam, bertekad/ utk; (thing rel to st of less serious nature) beria-ia, ingin benar: to be ~ set on becoming a doctor, berazam utk menjadi doktor; the child was ~ set on going home, kanak-kanak itu beria-ia hendak pulang; stop ~, a. (of person, animal) berhenti (dgn) serta-merta; b. (of engine etc) mati: my car stopped ~ in the middle of the bridge, kereta saya mati di tengah-tengah jambatan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gush | vi 1. a. flow out suddenly and copiously, memancar, memancur; (of tears) berhamburan, bercucuran; (of words) berhamburan: water ~ing out from a hole in the ground, air yg memancar keluar dr lubang di tanah; her tears ~ed forth, air matanya berhamburan; b. spout out in large amounts, memancut: blood ~ed out of the wound from his forehead, darah memancut dr luka di dahinya; 2. talk effusively, beria-ia + approp v: please don’t ~; it’s embarrassing, janganlah beria-ia sangat memuji, memalukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expansive | adj 1. friendly, talkative, ramah: after only two glasses of wine she became ~, selepas meminum dua gelas wain sahaja dia menjadi ramah; 2. (fml) characterized by largeness or splendidness, [various translations]: ~ living, kehidupan yg mewah; a man of ~ ambition, lelaki yg bercita-cita besar; an ~ gesture, gerak isyarat yg beria-ia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imputation | n (fml) 1. act of, a. (regarding st as caused by so.) mengatakan [sst] disebabkan (oleh); b. (regarding st as being done by) mengatakan [sso] melakukan sst; c. (regarding st as being possessed by) mengatakan sso mempunyai [sst]; 2. accusation, tuduhan, tohmah: he hotly denied the ~ that he had been dishonest, dia beria-ia menafikan tohmah bahawa dia berlaku curang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bucket | n 1. pail, baldi, timba; 2. bucketful, the contents of a bucket, /baldi, timba/ (penuh): a ~ of sand, sebaldi (penuh) pasir; 3. scoop of dredging-machine, grain-elevator, etc, timba; 4. (in pl) large quantities of (rain, blood, etc ), [hujan, darah, dll] yg mencurah-curah; come down in ~s, turun mencurah-curah; /cry, weep/ ~s, (colloq) menangis beria-ia; kick the ~, (sl) kojol; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |