roam | ~ over, (fig.) bercakap ttg bermacam-macam perkara: the speaker ~ed freely over his past experiences, penceramah itu secara bebas bercakap ttg bermacam-macam perkara yg berkaitan dgn pengalaman masa lalunya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
manner | all ~ of, /berbagai-bagai, pelbagai, bermacam-macam/ jenis, berjenis-jenis: on the tables, were all ~ of food and drink, di atas meja itu, terdapat bermacam-macam jenis makanan dan minuman; the crowd was made up of all ~ of people, ku | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
manifold | adj bermacam-macam, berbagai-bagai: his ~ duties, tugasnya yg berbagai-bagai; the new committee found it difficult to solve their ~ problems, jawatankuasa baru itu mendapati sukar utk menyelesaikan masalah mereka yg berbagai-bagai itu | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
miscellaneous | adj beraneka, berbagai-bagai, bermacam-macam, pelbagai: a van containing ~ household items, van yg berisi beraneka barang kegunaan rumah; a collection of ~ handicrafts, kumpulan kerja tangan yg berbagai-bagai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
miscellany | n kumpulan /beraneka, berbagai-bagai, bermacam-macam, pelbagai/, rampaian; (of literary products) rampaian: there was a ~ of personal belongings in the old chest, terdapat kumpulan berbagai-bagai barang peribadi dlm peti tua itu; h | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
variety | 3. differing examples of similar things, berbagai-bagai, berjenis-jenis, bermacam-macam, pelbagai: the library has a wide ~ of books, perpustakaan itu mempunyai berbagai-bagai buku; he refused the job for a ~ of reasons, dia menolak tawaran kerja itu krn berbagai-bagai sebab; I can give a ~ of examples to illustrate my point, saya boleh memberikan berbagai-bagai contoh utk menjelaskan hujah saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
motley | adj 1. (derog) of different types, /bermacam-macam, berbagai-bagai/ /jenis, ragam/: a ~ collection of clothes, sekumpulan pakaian yg berbagai-bagai ragam; a rather ~ crowd turned up for the show, berbagai-bagai je | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
and | 12. different kinds of, a. (persons) berbagai-bagai /ragam, jenis/: there are men ~ men, ada berbagai-bagai ragam lelaki; b. ( things) berjenis-jenis, berbagai-bagai jenis, bermacam-macam: there are books ~ books, ada bermacam-macam buku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assortment | n 1. collection of variety of things, beraneka jenis, /berbagai-bagai, pelbagai, bermacam-macam/ (jenis): an ~ of nuts, beraneka jenis kacang; an ~ of tools, beraneka jenis alat; 2. act of assorting, (kerja) mengasing-asingkan: the ~ of the specimens took many hours, kerja mengasing-asingkan spesimen itu mengambil masa yg lama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
make | vt 1. construct (st) by work or action, membuat: the natives ~ many things out of bamboo, orang asli membuat bermacam-macam barang drpd buluh; paper is made from pulp, kertas dibuat drpd pulpa; we’ll ~ c | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |