candour, (US) candor | n sikap berterus terang: his ~ provoked a storm of protest, sikapnya yg berterus terang itu telah menimbulkan protes yg hebat; with ~, dgn terus terang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forthright | adj terus terang; (of person, manner) suka berterus terang, terus terang: he made a ~ statement of their position, dia membuat kenyataan yg terus-terang ttg kedudukan mereka; Mr Davidson has the reputation of being ~, Encik Davidson dikenali sbg orang yg suka berterus-terang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
candidness | nsikap berterus terang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bluff2 | adj 1. frank and hearty, a. (of person or his manner) suka berterus terang dan ramah: a big, ~ man, seorang lelaki yg berbadan besar, suka berterus terang dan ramah; b. (of manner of speaking etc) terus terang dan ramah: his ~ manner of speaking, cara dia bercakap yg terus terang dan ramah; 2. having broad, perpendicular front, a. (of ship’s bow) dempak, tubir; b. (of cliff, bank, etc), curam dan lebar (permukaannya); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
explicit | adj 1. clearly expressed, eksplisit, (sangat) jelas; (of person) eksplisit, berterus-terang: he gave ~ instructions that no one should be allowed in, dia memberikan arahan yg eksplisit bahawa tdk sesiapa pun boleh dibenarkan masuk; the regulation is quite ~ regarding this matter, peraturan ttg perkata ini adalah eksplisit; the director was ~ about why he opposed the scheme, pengarah itu eksplisit ttg sebab-sebab dia menentang rancangan tersebut; 2. graphically detailed, eksplisit: children should not be allowed to watch the film as it has some sexually ~ scenes, kanak-kanak tdk patut dibenarkan menonton filem itu krn filem itu mengandungi babak-babak seks yg eksplisit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
candid | adj terus terang, tdk berselindung(-selindung): a ~ remark, kata-kata yg terus terang; be ~ with so., berterus terang dgn sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earthy | adj 1. like earth, (spt) tanah: ~ smell, bau tanah; ~ taste, rasa spt tanah; 2. consisting of earth, tanah: ~ patches between the rocks, tompok-tompok tanah di celah-celah batu; 3. a. (of person) biasa dan berterus-terang; b. (of sense of humour) agak kasar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bluntness | n 1. state of being not sharp, ketumpulan, majal; (of instrument, object, without cutting edge) ketumpulan; 2. quality of being aggressively outspoken, a. (of person) kelancangan mulut; b. (of manner, speech, etc) kekasaran; 3. quality of being plain, straightforward, sifat suka berterus terang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bone | cut st to the ~, (salary, expenses, etc) memotong sst habis-habisan; /feel st, have a feeling/ in o’s ~s, terasa sst /di hati, dlm diri/ sso: I’ve a feeling in my ~ that something is going to happen, terasa di hatiku bahawa sst akan berlaku; have a ~ to pick with so., ada yg hendak diselesaikan dgn sso; make no ~s about st, a. be honest, berterus terang ttg sst; b. not hesitate, tdk /ragu-ragu, teragak-agak/ [v]; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blunt | adj 1. not sharp, tumpul, majal; (of instrument, object, without cutting edge) tumpul, tdk tajam: the knife is ~, pisau itu tumpul; a ~ pencil, pensel tumpul; a ~ instrument, alat yg tumpul; 2. aggressively outspoken, a. (of person) lancang mulut; b. (of manner, speech, etc) kasar: a ~ question, pertanyaan yg kasar; 3. plain, straightforward, suka berterus terang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |