detail | n 1. particular, butir, butiran, perincian: to examine the ~s of a plan, mengkaji butir-butir sst rancangan; ~s of expenditure, butir-butir perbelanjaan; flight ~s, butir-butir penerbangan; 2. insignificant item or circumstance, perkara /remeh, kecil/: to trouble os with mere ~s, menyusahkan diri sso dgn perkara-perkara kecil; 3. particulars considered together, perincian: to pay careful attention to ~, memberikan perhatian yg teliti kpd perincian; 4. minor accessory (of painting, building, etc) perincian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grained | adj 1. having, consisting of grains of specified kind, quality, [not translated or butir]: fine~ crystals, hablur halus; small~ wheat, gandum yg kecil butirnya; 2. having specif arrangement of fibres, berira: a close~ wood, kayu yg berira rapat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |