Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

hadpt & pp of HAVE.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
have~ a baby, melahirkan anak, bersalin: she had the baby in a taxi, dia melahirkan anak itu dlm teksi; ~ /got, had/ it coming, mencari pasal: you can’t complain about being punished, you’ve had it coming all day, kamu tdk boleh merungut krn dihukum, sehari-harian kamu memang mencari pasal; ~ it in for so., mencari pasal dgn sso: you’ve really got it in for me today, everything I do is wrong, kamu benar-benar cari pasal dgn saya hari ini, semua yg saya lakukan salah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
get~ to, a. reach, /sampai, tiba/ di: by the time she had got to the airport, her friend had already left, apabila dia sampai di lapangan terbang, kawannya telah pun berlepas; they got to him just before I did, mereka sampai di rumahnya sejurus sebelum saya tiba; b. disappear to, pergi, menghilang: (of st), [not translated]: where has that boy got to now?, ke mana pula budak itu menghilang?; I don’t know where my bank book has got to, saya tdk tahu di mana buku bank saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
haveb. experience or suffer st, kena + v stem: she had her handbag snatched in the market, beg tangannya kena renggut di pasar; he had his right arm amputated in the war, tangan kanannya kena potong dlm perang itu; ~ to do with, a. be concerned with, tentang, mengenai, berkenaan dengan: this book has to do with the American Civil War, buku ini tentang Perang Saudara Amerika; b. also ~ st to do with, be causally related to, /(ada) kena-mengena, bersangkut paut, bertalian/ dgn: his sickness must ~ st to do with the food he ate yesterday, sakitnya mesti ada kena-mengena dgn makanan yg dimakannya semalam; I refuse to ~ anything to do with the project, saya tdk mahu bersangkut paut apa pun dgn projek itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
infiltratevi 1. menyerap, meresap: water had ~d into the walls, air telah menyerap ke dlm dinding itu; 2. (fig.), /menyeludup, menyusup/ masuk: anti-government elements had ~ed into the armed forces, anasir antikerajaan telah menyeludup masuk ke dlm angkatan tentera;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
improvisevi 1. make st from materials available or without preparation, menggunakan apa-apa saja yg ada; (of speaker, announcer, etc) approp v + secara spontan, mengimprovisasi: the announcer had to ~ to fill in the time, juruhebah terpaksa mengimprovisasi utk mengisi masa siaran; the speaker had to ~ as he had forgotten to bring the text of his speech, penceramah itu terpaksa berucap secara spontan krn terlupa membawa teks ucapannya; 2. compose st as one goes along, mengimprovisasi: the actor forgot his lines and had to ~, pelakon itu terlupa dialognya dan terpaksa mengimprovisasi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
impressionb. (by an effort or activity), [various translations]: his day’s work had made little ~ on the piles of papers he had to get through, sehari suntuk dia bekerja tetapi cuma sedikit sahaja yg dapat diselesaikannya drpd kerja yg bertimbun-timbun itu; you’d need to scrub and scrape before you made any ~ on that dirt, kamu terpaksa memberus dan menyental sebelum kamu dapat menghilangkan kotoran itu; 2. mark, imprint made by pressing, kesan, bekas: the ~ of his feet in the sand, kesan tapak kakinya di pasir;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dawn~ /on, upon/, (mula) + approp v: it ~ed on me that he had fabricated the story, saya mula menyedari bahawa dia telah mereka-reka cerita itu; it ~ ed on her where she had met him before, dia mula teringat di mana dia bertemu dgn lelaki itu dahulu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
handforce so’s ~, memaksa sso utk + v phr: the riots forced the government’s ~ and they had to implement the reforms more quickly than they had originally planned, rusuhan itu memaksa kerajaan bertindak dan mereka terpaksa melaksanakan pembaharuan lebih cepat drpd apa yg dirancangkan terlebih dahulu; from ~ to mouth, kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang: living from ~ to mouth, hidup kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang; /get, give/ a big ~, /mendapat, memberikan/ tepukan gemuruh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ceilingn 1. overhead lining, siling, langit-langit; 2. maximum limit, had maksimum: the government imposed a ~ on rents, kerajaan mengenakan had maksimum ke atas sewa;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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