conjugal | adj (fml) suami isteri: ~ rights, hak-hak suami isteri; ~ happiness, kebahagian suami isteri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
individual | adj 1. of, rel to, single person, individu: ~ rights, hak-hak individu; ~ liberty, kebebasan individu; ~ possessions, milik individu; 2. characteristic of single person, distinctive, tersendiri: ~ traits, ciri tersendiri; 3. considered separately from others, setiap: each ~ part is wrapped in foil, setiap bahagian dibungkus dlm kerajang; you will have to examine each ~ animal, tuan mestilah memeriksa setiap binatang; 4. separate, berasingan: the food was packed in ~ boxes, makanan itu dimasukkan ke dlm kotak-kotak yg berasingan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
constitutional | adj 1. of, rel to the constitution, perlembagaan: ~ reforms, pembaruan perlembagaan; ~ rights, hak-hak perlembagaan; 2. subject to provisions of constitution, berperlembagaan: a ~ government, kerajaan berperlembagaan; ~ monarch, raja berperlembagaan; 3. inherent in constitution of person, resaman: ~ weakness, kelemahan resaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deprivation | n 1. preventing from enjoying, possessing, tdk + approp v: the ~ of civil rights, tdk mendapat hak-hak sivil; 2. taking away a. (of possession) perampasan; b. (of eyesight etc) hilangnya; c. (right, privilege, membership) pelucutan; 3. fact, instance of being deprived, a. (of possession) rampasan; b. (of eyesight etc) kehilangan; c. (of right, privilege, membership) perlucutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cudgel | n belantan, gada; take up the ~s, berjuang: the womenfolk took up the ~s for their rights, kaum wanita berjuang demi hak-hak mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
basic | adj 1. fundamental, primary, asas, dasar: ~ needs, keperluan asas; ~ principles, prinsip asas; ~ training, latihan asas; ~ rights, hak-hak asasi; 2. without any additions, pokok: ~ wage, gaji pokok; 3. (chem) bes, asas: ~ element, unsur bes; ~ oxide, oksida bes; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
business | have no ~, tdk /ada hak, mempunyai hak, berhak/ utk: you had no ~ meddling in my daughter’s affairs, kamu tdk ada hak utk campur tangan dlm hal anak saya; in ~, berniaga; like nobody’s ~, (colloq), [various translations]: he was spending money like nobody’s ~, dia membelanjakan wangnya macam air; I saw her in the restaurant, eating like nobody’s ~, saya nampak dia di restoran itu, sedang makan dgn sepuas-puas hati; we have been working like nobody’s ~ to get the job finished on time, kami bekerja bersungguh-sungguh utk menyiapkan kerja ini tepat pd waktunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
few | a good ~, quite a ~, agak banyak, banyak juga; have had a ~ too many, (colloq) mabuk sedikit, agak mabuk; not a ~, bukan sedikit; the ~, minority, golongan kecil: privileges for the ~, hak-hak istimewa utk golongan kecil; very ~, hanya /segelintir, sebilangan kecil/ saja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
give | ~ as good as one gets, membalas sebagaimana yg + pass. v: she has strong convictions and in any argument about women’s rights, she will give as good as she gets, dia mempunyai pendirian yg tegas dan dlm sebarang perdebatan ttg hak-hak wanita, dia akan membalas sebagaimana yg dihujahkan kepadanya; ~ it to so. (straight), (colloq) cakap dgn sso /depan-depan, terus-terang/; ~ me, (colloq) saya lebih suka: ~ me local coffee any day!, saya lebih suka kopi tempatan; ~ or take, a. more or less, campur tolak: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
denial | n 1. declaring as untrue, non-existent, penafian, penyangkalan: his ~ of the allegation, penafiannya thdp tuduhan itu; 2. refusal to give, fulfil, a. (gen) tindakan tdk memberikan: the ~ of citizenship rights, tindakan tdk memberikan hak-hak kewarganegaraan; b. (access, admittance, etc) tdk membenarkan: the ~ of entrance to unauthorized persons, tdk membenarkan orang-orang yg tdk ada kebenaran masuk; c. (of respect, plea, etc) penolakan; 3. disowning, disavowal, tdk mengakui: his ~ of his family was the result of a dispute, dia tdk mengakui keluarganya akibat perbalahan; 4. statement denying st, kenyataan penafian, sangkalan: the accused’s ~ of the charge, kenyataan penafian orang yg dituduh thdp dakwaan itu; 5. see SELF-DENIAL. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |