be | c. (to place emphasis, importance on the n that follows) ialah, [or not translated]: that is a hostel, not a hotel, itu (ialah) asrama, bukan hotel; these are the facts we cannot ignore, ini ialah fakta-fakta yg tdk dapat kita abaikan; 2. become, menjadi: he’s going to ~ a teacher, dia akan menjadi guru; who wants to ~ umpire?, siapakah yg hendak menjadi pengadil?; 3. constitute, represent, merupakan: such high taxes are a great burden, cukai yg begitu tinggi merupakan beban yg berat sekali; the failure of the talks was a devastating blow to peace, kegagalan perundingan itu merupakan pukulan yg hebat thdp keamanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glory | the palace is the town’s greatest ~, istana tersebut ialah kemegahan utama bandar itu; the sonnet is one of the glories of English poetry, bentuk soneta ialah salah satu kebanggaan puisi Inggeris; 3. praise, adoration offered to God, puji-pujian bagi Tuhan; 4. splendour, magnificence, kegemilangan: an age of ~, zaman kegemilangan; Solomon in all his ~, Nabi Sulaiman dan segala kegemilangannya; he was awestruck by the ~ of autumn, dia terpesona dgn kegemilangan musim gugur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forgery | n 1. (act) pemalsuan, memalsukan: ~ is a felony, pemalsuan ialah suatu feloni; 2. st forged, (approp n +) palsu: this painting is a ~, lukisan ini ialah karya palsu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honour | n 1. nobleness, mulia: prophets are men of ~, para rasul ialah orang yg mulia; 2. great respect, penghormatan: it was the ~ of winning that was important to him, not the prize, yg penting baginya ialah penghormatan krn menang, bukan hadiahnya; 3. good name, nama baik, kehormatan, maruah: to fight for a country’s ~, berjuang utk mempertahankan maruah negara; he felt that his ~ had been tarnished, dia merasakan nama baiknya telah tercemar; a woman’s ~, kehormatan sso wanita; 4. privilege, distinction, penghormatan: he was given the ~ of carrying the Olympic torch, dia diberi penghormatan membawa obor sukan Olimpik; 5. thing given to honour so., anugerah, kurnia(an): birthday ~s, kurniaan sempena hari keputeraan; 6. so. or st that brings credit, kebanggaan: he is an ~ to his profession, dia menjadi kebanggaan profesionnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
height | n 1. measurement from bottom to top, tinggi(nya): the ~ of the hill is 700 metres, tinggi bukit itu ialah 700 meter; she is 1.5 metres in ~, tinggi perempuan itu ialah 1.5 meter; she is of medium ~, dia sederhana tingginya; to the ~ of, setinggi: after a heavy rainfall, the water in the drain rose to the ~ of several inches, selepas hujan lebat, air dlm parit itu naik setinggi beberapa inci; 2. being tall, tinggi: she’d be able to reach the top of the shelf because of her ~, dia boleh mencapai bahagian atas rak krn dia tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
complement | n (gen & tech) pelengkap: a fine wine is a ~ to a good meal, wain yg baik ialah pelengkap sajian yg sedap; in the sentence “Ali is angry”, the ~ is “angry”, dlm ayat “Ali is angry” pelengkapnya ialah “angry”; full ~, full number, bilangan [n] yg cukup: for a long time, we have not had the full ~ of teachers, sudah lama kami tdk mempunyai bilangan guru yg cukup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attribute | n 1. quality ascribed to so., st, sifat: patience is one of his ~s, salah satu sifatnya ialah sabar; 2. object regarded as symbol, lambang, simbol: the crown is an ~ of kingship, mahkota ialah lambang pemerintahan beraja; 3. (gram.) sifat, atribut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
home | 4. place where st originates, tempat bermulanya: Scotland is the ~ of golf, Scotland ialah tempat bermulanya permainan golf; 5. institution for the old, orphans, etc, rumah: old folks’ ~, rumah orang-orang tua; an orphans’ ~, rumah anak-anak yatim; 6. natural environment, tempat tinggal semula jadi: the Arctic is the ~ of the polar bear, kawasan Artik ialah tempat tinggal semula jadi beruang kutub; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elegiac | n 1. (chem) unsur: hydrogen and oxygen are ~s, hidrogen dan oksigen ialah unsur;2. any of the four elements (earth, water, air, fire) unsur; 3. (in pl) the ~s, unsur-unsur alam: the fisherman’s face was bronzed and wrinkled through exposure to the ~s, muka nelayan itu hitam dan berkedut-kedut krn terdedah kpd unsur-unsur alam; to brave the ~s, menghadapi unsur-unsur alam dgn tabah; 4. (in pl) rudiments (of learning) asas, dasar: the ~s of geometry, asas-asas geometri; 5. feature, component, unsur: spice is an important ~ in Indian cuisine, rempah ialah unsur penting dlm masakan orang India; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
formula | n 1. set of symbols, rumus, formula: the ~ for hydrochloric acid is HCl, formula utk asid hidroklorik ialah HCl; the ~ for finding the area of a circle, rumus utk mencari luas bulatan; 2. set of rules, principles, etc, formula: a ~ for peace, formula utk keamanan; there is no magic ~ for a successful career, tdk ada formula ajaib utk berjaya dlm kerjaya; 3. form of words used regularly, ungkapan tetap: “how do you do” is the ~ used in greeting, “how do you do?” ialah ungkapan tetap yg digunakan utk menyapa; 4. list of ingredients, proportions, instructions, etc, formula; 5. (US) milk-like powder for babies, rumusan bayi; 6. (of racing cars) formula. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |