foul | adj 1. filthy, kotor: a bundle of ~ rags, seikat kain buruk yg kotor; the store was ~, bilik stor itu kotor; 2. stinking, (berbau) busuk: a ~ -smelling drain, longkang yg berbau busuk; his breath was ~, nafasnya busuk; 3. (in taste) dahsyat (rasanya): this medicine tastes ~, ubat ini rasanya dahsyat; 4. wicked, evil, kejam: a ~ crime, jenayah kejam; a ~ murder, pembunuhan kejam; 5. obscene, cabul: his language was ~, bahasanya cabul; she has a ~ mind, fikirannya cabul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
economy | n 1. (system for the) management of resources, ekonomi: inflation would have adverse effects on the country’s ~, inflasi akan mendatangkan kesan-kesan buruk thdp ekonomi negara; agricultural ~, ekonomi pertanian; 2. avoidance of waste, cermat, hemat, jimat: the household is run with considerable ~, rumah itu diurus dgn begitu cermat; practise ~, berjimat, bercermat, berhemat; 3. instance of avoiding waste, berjimat, bercermat, berhemat: buying cheap cloth is a false ~, membeli kain murah bukan sebenarnya berjimat; with some small economies, you should be able to save more money, dgn berjimat sedikit-sedikit kamu dapat menyimpan lebih banyak wang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crumple | vi often ~ up, 1. become creased or crushed up, ronyok, renyuk, berkedut; (of st made of metal) remuk: this material ~s easily, kain ini mudah ronyok; the wing ~d when the plane hit the tower, sayap kapal terbang itu remuk apabila terlanggar menara; 2. collapse, rebah: he ~d up suddenly under the strain, dia rebah dgn tiba-tiba krn terlalu penat; 3. lose strength to fight, give way, patah semangat; (of enemy forces, resistance, etc) tumpas: he ~d up on hearing the bad news, dia patah semangat apabila mendengar berita buruk itu; 4. (of face) berkerut-kerut: her face ~d up, and she began to cry, mukanya berkerut-kerut dan dia mula menangis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |