Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

crinkledadj berkedut; (of paper, material) renyuk, ronyok, berkedut: a dress made of ~ cotton, baju yg dibuat drpd kain kapas yg berkedut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
back4. make a backing for, melapik, melapisi: to ~ silk with stiffened cotton, melapik kain sutera dgn kain kapas yg telah dikeraskan; b. form the background of, /merupakan, menjadi/ latar belakang: the hills that ~ed the village, bukit-bukau yg merupakan latar belakang kampung itu; 6. endorse, mengesahkan: to ~ a bill, mengesahkan bil; 7. bet on, bertaruh pd, memasang taruh pd, menaruhi: they were fortunate to have ~ed the winning horse in the race, mereka beruntung krn telah bertaruh pd kuda yg menang dlm perlumbaan itu; ~ the /right, wrong/ horse, menyokong + approp n yg /menang, kalah/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cottonn 1. (plant) pokok kapas; 2. (fibre) kapas; 3. (yarn, thread) benang (kapas); 4. (cloth) kain /kapas, cit(a)/: a ~ shirt, kemeja kain cita; 5. (US) cotton wool, kapas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
in18. a. (ref to colour) dalam: the new model comes ~ pink, blue and purple, model baru ini terdapat dalam warna merah jambu, biru dan ungu; b. (ref to variety) dibuat drpd: batik caftans are available ~ cotton or silk in most shops, aftan batik yg dibuat drpd kain kapas atau sutera dapat dibeli dr kebanyakan kedai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
exceedvt 1. be greater or larger than, melebihi: the number of students in each class must not ~ 30, bilangan pelajar dlm setiap kelas mestilah tdk melebihi 30 orang; the amount of money collected ~ed all expectation, jumlah wang yg dikumpulkan melebihi jangkaan; the demand for cotton ~s the supply, permintaan thdp kain kapas melebihi penawaran; 2. ( derog ) go beyond, melampaui, melebihi: he was fined for ~ing the speed limit, dia didenda krn melebihi had laju; he ~ed his authority in arresting the man, dia melampaui bidang kuasanya apabila menangkap lelaki itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dyevi dicelup, diwarnakan: this cotton ~s readily, kain benang kapas ini mudah dicelup;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fibre, (US) fibern 1. natural or synthetic filament, serat, gentian; (of fruit) serabut, serat: cotton ~ is spun into thread, serat kapas dipintal menjadi benang; 2. cloth made from such material, kain; 3. texture or structure of material, daging: cloth of coarse ~, kain yg kasar dagingnya; 4. esp moral ~, perwatakan; be of strong moral ~, berperwatakan kuat; lack moral ~, berperwatakan lemah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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