attain | ~ to, (fml) a. (by deliberate effort) memperoleh: to ~ to wealth, memperoleh kekayaan; b. (by moral, intellectual effort) mencapai: to ~ to perfection, mencapai kesempurnaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approximate | vt 1. come close to, approach, a. (in quantity, number, etc) approp v + /lebih kurang, kira-kira/: rentals approximating M$18,000 per annum, sewaan yg berjumlah lebih kurang M$18,000 setahun; a cupful ~s eight fluid ounces, satu cawan berukuran lebih kurang lapan auns bendalir; b. (in quantity, character, etc), [various translations]: works of art that ~ perfection, karya seni yg hampir mencapai kesempurnaan; the painting ~s reality, lukisan itu seolah-olah hidup; 2. bring close to, menganggarkan: could you ~ the cost?, bolehkah kamu menganggarkan berapa kosnya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |