comb | ~ out st, a. comb hair thoroughly to remove knots or tangles, /menyikat, menyisir/ rambut (utk membuang kusut): she would sit for hours in front of the mirror ~ing out her hair, dia akan duduk berjam-jam di hadapan cermin menyikat rambutnya; b. remove knots, tangles, etc with comb, /menyikat, menyisir/ rambut utk membuang [n]: if you use a hair conditioner, you don’t need to ~ out the knots every time you wash your hair, jika kamu menggunakan perapi, kamu tdk perlu menyikat rambut utk membuang kusut setiap kali kamu membasuhnya; c. search a place throughly, menggeledah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disarrange | vt put out of arrangement, (act.) menye(le)rakkan; (hair) mengusutkan, mengusaikan; (pass.) berse(le)rak; (of hair) kusut, usai: the furniture in the room had been ~d, perabot dlm bilik itu telah berselerak; her hair had been ~d after the journey, rambutnya kusut selepas perjalanan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flyaway | adj (of hair) halus dan mudah kusut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dishevelled , (US) disheveled | adj tdk kemas; (of hair) kusut: a ~ appearance, rupa yg tdk kemas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bedraggled | adj 1. (of clothes etc) basah kuyup dan lusuh; 2. (of hair) basah kuyup dan kusut-masai; 3. (of person), (dlm keadaan) selekeh dan serbah-serbih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bedraggle | vt 1. (clothes etc) menyebabkan basah kuyup dan lusuh; 2. (hair) menyebabkan basah kuyup dan kusut-masai; 3. (person) menyebabkan kelihatan selekeh dan serbah-serbih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disarray | n; in ~, a. (gen) berse(le)rak: the jewellery in the cabinet was in ~, barang-barang kemas dlm kabinet itu berselerak; b. (of dress, clothes) tdk keruan; c. (of hair) kusut, usai; d. (of troops, party, government, etc) dlm keadaan kucar-kacir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
every | ~ now and /again, then/, ~ so often, sekali-sekala, sesekali; ~ one of /them, us, you/, setiap seorang drpd /mereka, kami, kamu/; ~ other (day, week, etc), /selang, lat/ /sehari, seminggu, dll/; ~ which way, (US), (colloq), [various translations]: you’ll have to do your hair again, it’s going ~ which way, kamu mesti merapikan rambutmu. Rambutmu kusut betul; when the police fired tear gas at the crowd, everyone started to run ~ which way, apabila polis menembakkan gas pemedih mata ke arah orang ramai, semua orang mula lari bertempiaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bluff 1 | ~ it out, menemberang, temberang: the thieves were caught red-handed but they tried to ~ it out, pencuri-pencuri itu tertangkap ketika mereka mencuri tetapi mereka cuba temberang; ~ o’s way out, temberang utk melepaskan diri: he tried to ~ his way out of the difficult situation, dia cuba temberang utk melepaskan dirinya drpd keadaan yg kusut itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |