bore1 | vt 1. make (as if) with revolving tool, menggerek: to ~ an oil well, menggerek telaga minyak; holes ~d by insects, lubang-lubang yg digerek oleh serangga; 2. make hole in (as if) by using revolving tool, menggerek: he used an electric drill to ~ the plank, dia menggunakan gerudi elektrik utk menggerek papan itu; 3. make by excavating, digging, etc, mengorek: they ~ed a tunnel through the mountain, mereka mengorek terowong melalui gunung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hole | n 1. hollow space in solid body, lubang: the road is full of ~s, jalan itu penuh lubang; he has a ~ in his tooth, giginya berlubang; in ~s, berlubang-lubang: his socks are in ~s, stokingnya berlubang-lubang; 2. burrow, lubang: a rabbit ~, lubang arnab; 3. (colloq) unattractive, unpleasant dwelling-place, tempat yg buruk: I’m leaving this ~, and hope never to set foot in it again, saya akan meninggalkan tempat yg buruk ini, dan tak akan menjejakkan kaki ke sini lagi; 4. flaw, kelompangan: his argument is full of ~s, hujahnya penuh dgn kelompangan; 5. (golf) lubang: a nine- ~ golf-course, padang golf sembilan lubang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cavity | n rongga, lubang: nasal ~, rongga hidung; a ~ in a tooth, lubang pd gigi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
admit | vt 1. allow entry to, a. (person) membenarkan masuk: he gave orders that children were not to be ~ted, dia mengeluarkan arahan bahawa kanak-kanak tdk dibenarkan masuk; b. (other than person) /membolehkan, memungkinkan/ [sst] masuk: holes were drilled to ~ air, lubang-lubang digerudi utk membolehkan udara masuk; 2. allow to join, a. (school, university, etc) menerima masuk: to be ~ted to a university, diterima masuk ke universiti; b. (organization, academy, etc) menerima menjadi ahli: to be ~ted to the Academy of Fine Arts, diterima menjadi ahli Akademi Seni Halus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honeycomb | vt (usu pass.) berlubang-lubang spt indung madu: the limestone hills are ~ed with caves, bukit-bukit batu kapur itu berlubang-lubang dgn gua, spt indung madu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bore1 | n 1. borehole, lubang /gerek, bor/; 2. hollow part of gun barrel, lubang laras; 3. calibre, kaliber; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | n 1. hole, lubang; (narrow) celah: the calf disappeared through a ~ in the wall, anak lembu itu menghilang melalui lubang pd tembok; 2. broken part, area , (bahagian yg) /pecah, patah, putus, dll/: the ~ is near the ankle, bahagian yg patah itu dekat dgn buku lali; there were so many ~s in the film that it was not worth repairing it, banyak bahagian filem ini yg putus sehingga tdk guna membaikinya or filem ini putus pd begitu banyak tempat sehingga tdk guna membaikinya; the virus can get in through a ~ in the skin, virus tersebut dapat masuk melalui kulit yg jejas; 3. stoppage, berhenti, terhenti: during a ~ in the conversation, a child’s voice was heard, sewaktu perbualan itu terhenti, kedengaran suara kanak-kanak; they waited on the verandah, hoping for a ~ in the rain, mereka menunggu di beranda, mengharapkan hujan akan berhenti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow-hole | n 1. nostril of whale, lubang /sembur, pancut/; 2. vent for air etc in tunnel, lubang hembus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burrow | vi 1. dig, make hole in ground, /membuat, mengorek/ lubang: rabbits ~ing under the fence, arnab-arnab yg membuat lubang di bawah pagar; 2. search as if by digging, menyeluk: she ~ed into her handbag for her lipstick, dia menyeluk beg tangannya utk mencari gincu; 3. press, menyembamkan: her face ~ed closer to my back, dia menyembamkan mukanya ke belakang saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gape | vi 1. stare open-mouthed, ternganga, terlopong: the children ~d as they watched the fire-eater, kanak-kanak ternganga melihat pemakan api itu; 2. be open wide, stand open, a. (of curtain) terselak, tersingkap; b. (of garment, seam) terbuka, ternganga: the coat ~s between every button, kot itu terbuka di antara tiap-tiap butang; c. (of wound) ternganga: the wound was gaping, luka itu ternganga; d. (of chasm etc) merekah: holes ~d in the earth during the earthquake, lubang-lubang merekah di bumi semasa gempa bumi itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |